RESPONSE TO SUPREME COURT DECISION: CARHART v. STENBERT (1) Coalition building: - Andrea/Catherine to liase with Mass NOW - Catherine/Jonathan to sound out PPLM (Planned Parenthood) at meeting tomorrow - Formal outreach to PPLM, NARAL, AAP etc to await Andrea's OK. (2) Advertising. - put stuff on Boston NOW web site - Can we put something on Boston Phoenix web site? - Flyers - Phonebank RRTF members - How else can we advertise it? Intern project: interns to find out ways to get the message out. Catherine, if you think that's a good idea can you add it as a project? Intern project: hand out flyers (once things are ready to go) (3) Letter to the Editor (Globe; Herald?) - Lay out pro choice position - Introduce electoral implication, but don't name Gore. (4) Written materials: - Flyer to advertise event - Flyer about decision to hand out at event; may omit if decision favorable - Bushwhack flyer about Bush's record on womens issues and choice Intern project: generate flyer based on National NOW's web site material? - Signup sheet: "Take the pro-choice voting pledge for November", and give us your email address or phone no. (5) Media response on day - Press release (pre-prepare but tailor on day, based on decision?) - Media contact person (6) Rally preparation, logistics and security - Jonathan to provide training to anyone who wants it - Need volunteers for logistics and security (7) Physical logistics - Location: Government Center (JFK Federal Bldg)? Park St? Other? - Format: do we have a speaker? Suggest one speaker on issue (keep it short and sweet); maybe two if coalition needs require, focus on organizing - getting people to sign pledge. - Sound system; do we rent one? - Table/booth? - Signs (to be made Sunday onwards) - Materials for signs --------------------------------------------------------------------------------