[JSR] Jonathan's Space Report, No. 636

Jonathan McDowell jcm at www.planet4589.org
Thu Dec 30 17:21:41 EST 2010

Jonathan's Space Report
No. 636                                             2010 Dec 30 Somerville, MA

Shuttle and Station

Expedition 26 is now underway with crew commander Scott Kelly,  flight
engineer-2 Aleksandr Kaleri, flight engineer-3 Oleg Skripochka, flight
engineer-4 Dmitri Kondratev, flight engineer-5 Paolo Nespoli and flight
engineer-6 Cady Coleman aboard the Station. Soyuz TMA-01M is docked at
Poisk, Progress M-07M at Zvezda, and Progress M-08M at Pirs, and Soyuz
TMA-20 at Rassvet.

Soyuz TMA-20 was launched on Dec 15, carrying Kondratev, Nespoli and Coleman.
It docked with the Rassvet module at 2011 UTC on Dec 17.

On Dec 22-23, the SPDM robot hand was used to relocate a cargo container (CTC-3)
between two locations on the ELC-2 storage pallet.

Proton failure

A Proton-M was launched on Dec 6 carrying three Uragan-M satellites for
the Glonass system. The third stage went off course because an extra
1500 kg of propellant was loaded in the fourth stage by mistake; the
extra mass caused the final velocity to be around 100 m/s too low,
leading to an orbit which I estimate to have been around -150 x 165 km x
64.8 deg. (For what it's worth, an anonymous post on nasaspaceflight.com
citing unidentified Russian  sources reported an orbit of -154 x 189 km
x 64.8 deg). The third stage and, separately, the upper composite
consisting of the satellites mounted on the Blok DM-3 stage reentered
over the Pacific on their first revolution.

Federal Space Agency news releases reported the satellite names as
"Glonass-M". (Successful Glonass satellites have all been given Kosmos
cover names).

Proton launch

Another Proton-M was launched on Dec 26, carrying the commercial KA-SAT
payload for Eutelsat. This time Proton-M was successful and the Briz-M
stage made 5 burns from a -496 x 171 km injection orbit to a
deployment orbit of 3704 x 35763 km x 24.6 deg.

KA-SAT is an Astrium Eurostar 3000 satellite with a launch mass of 6150 kg
and a dry mass of 3200 kg, providing broadband services in the Ka-band
with 80 spot beams.

Akatsuki at Venus

Japan's Akatsuki Venus Climate Orbiter probe reached Venus on Dec 6
but a malfunction at the time of the insertion burn at 2349 UTC prevented
the probe from entering Venus orbit. The probe remains in solar orbit.
The Ikaros solar sail craft flew past Venus at 80000 km at 0739 UTC on Dec 8.


SpaceX launched its second Falcon 9 rocket at 1543 UTC on Dec 8, successfully
putting the first Dragon spacecraft into a 279 x 308 km x 34.5 deg orbit
for a test flight. The capsule was recovered in the Pacific a few hours
later, splashing down 800 km W of Mexico at 1903 UTC.

The actual splashdown location and the mass of the Dragon spacecraft
have not been reported.

The Dragon C1's Trunk Module remained attached to the Falcon 9 second
stage after orbit insertion; the capsule separated from the trunk
module. About 45 min after launch six small
satellites were also ejected from the trunk.

The small satellites used the 1U (0.1 x 0.1m) and 3U (0.1 x 0.3m)
cubesat buses, some with deployable solar panels. SMDC-ONE is an
Operational Nanosatellite Experiment for the US Army Space and Missile
Defense Center (Huntsville, Alabama), possibly carrying a communications
payload. QbX-1 and QbX-2 are Cubesat Experiments built by Pumpkin Inc.
of San Francisco for the National Reconaissance Office's Colony-1
technology development project. They also carry communications payloads,
developed by the Naval Research Laboratory. These first three payloads
are 3U cubesats. Caerus/Mayflower is an experiment for Northrop Grumman
NovaWorks and the University of Southern California, a 3U cubesat made
up of the 2U (double cube) Mayflower Next Generation Technology Nanosat
from Northrop Grumman and a 1U (single cube) from USC's engineering
schools in Los Angeles and Marina del Rey, with deployable solar panels.
Not much information is available about four 1U-size Los Alamos National
Laboratory `Perseus' cubesats; they may be monitoring the ionosphere.


An attempt to eject the Nanosail-D2 experiment from Fastsat was made at
0631 UTC on Dec 6, but the satellite has not been tracked and it seems
possible that the ejection may have failed.


The X-37B spaceplane landed successfully at Vandenberg Air Force Base
at 0916 UTC on Dec 3. Launched on Apr 23 by an Atlas V, the X-37B
completed its mission with the second ever automated runway landing
following orbital re-entry; the first was the USSR's Buran in 1988.

Suborbital launches

Russia launched a Topol' missile from Kapustin Yar to Sary Shagan on Dec 5.
India launched an Agni I missile on Nov 25; an Agni 2P launch on Dec 10
failed to leave the atmosphere. On Dec 15 a modified Trident I missile
was launched as a target from Kwajalein Atoll's Meck Island in the Pacific,
and a Pegasus-derived Ground Based Interceptor launched from Vandenberg
failed to intercept it.

A Terrier Orion from White Sands carried a JPL technology experiment
to 120 km on Dec 6; it will be used to refine methods for planetary
lander terrain recognition (thanks to the nasaspaceflight.com forum for

The Brazilian Space Agency completed Operation Maracati 2 with the launch
of VSB-30 V07 carrying the MICROG 1A payload, following a test
launch using Improved Orion V03 to check out operations at Alcantara.


China launched the 7th Beidou Navigation Satellite (di qi ke beidou
daohang weixing) on Dec 17 from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center
(xichang weixing fashe zhongxin). The launch vehicle was the "Changzheng
sanhao jia" (Long March 3A). Beidou Daohang Weixing 7 will be the second
in inclined geosynchronous orbit, following BDW5 launched in July, and
is also referred to as Compass I2. It reached synchronous orbit on Dec
22 and as of Dec 29 was in a 35716 x 35857 km x 55.2 deg orbit.


India's GSLV Mk I rocket flight F06 was destroyed one minute after
launch on Dec 25 after the steering system on its strapon boosters
failed to receive commands from the rocket's computer. The vehicle
reached an altitude of 15 km. The rocket carried the GSAT-5P
communications satellite, and was to feature the first use of a
stretched version of the Russian-developed third stage.

Ariane 5

Ariane 5ECA vehicle 557, flight V199, placed two satellites in orbit on 
Dec 29. The upper passenger was Hispasat 1E for Spain's Hispasat, a 5320
kg full/2175 kg dry Loral 1300 satellite; the lower was  Koreasat 6 for
Korea Telecom, an Orbital Star-2 with 2850 kg mass at launch, 1150 kg
dry. Transfer orbit was 273 x 35876 km x 3.1 deg. Both satellites carry
Ku-band broadcasting/comms payloads.


The first SJ-12 rendezvous was with SJ-6/3A (2008-53B) on 2010 Aug 19.
Thanks to Igor Lissov for pointing out the error in the last JSR.

Table of Recent (orbital) Launches 
Date UT       Name            Launch Vehicle  Site            Mission    INTL.  
Nov  2 0059   Meridan             Soyuz-2-1a/Fregat Plesetsk LC43/3 Comms      58A
Nov  5 1837   Fengyun 3 (01)B     Chang Zheng 4C    Taiyuan         Weather    59A
Nov  6 0220   COSMO-SkyMed 4      Delta 7420-10     Vandenberg SLC2W Radar     60A
Nov 14 1729   SkyTerra 1          Proton-M/Briz-M   Baykonur         Comms     61A
Nov 20 0125   STPSat-2    )       Minotaur IV       Kodiak          Tech       62A
              Falconsat-5 )                                         Tech       62E
              Fastsat-HSV )                                         Tech       62D
              Fastrac 1   )                                         Tech       62F
              Fastrac 2   )                                         Tech       62
              O/OREOS     )                                         Science    62C
              RAX         )                                         Science    62B
              S26 Ballast A)                                        Dummy      62J
              S26 Ballast B)                                        Dummy      62K
Nov 21 2258   USA 223           Delta IVH          Canaveral SLC37B Sigint?    63A
Nov 24 1609   Zhongxing 20A     Chang Zheng 3A     Xichang          Comms      64A
Nov 26 1839   Intelsat IS-17  ) Ariane 5ECA        Kourou ELA3      Comms      65A
              Hylas 1         )                                     Comms      65B
Dec  6 0631   Nanosail-D2                          Fastsat,LEO      Tech       62L?
Dec  6 1025   Glonass-M )       Proton-M/DM-3      Baykonur         Navigation F03
              Glonass-M )                                           Navigation F03
              Glonass-M )                                           Navigation F03
Dec  8 1543   Dragon C1       ) Falcon 9           Canaveral SLC40  Spaceship  66A
              SMDC-One        )                                     Comms?     66C
              QbX-1           )                                     Secret     66F
              QbX-2           )                                     Secret     66B
              Perseus 000     )                                     Tech?      66H
              Perseus 001     )                                     Tech?      66E
              Perseus 002     )                                     Tech?      66G
              Perseus 003     )                                     Tech?      66D
              Caerus/Mayflower)                                     Tech       66J
Dec 15 1909   Soyuz TMA-20      Soyuz-FG           Baykonur LC1     Spaceship  67A
Dec 17 2020   Beidou DW7        Chang Zheng 3A     Xichang          Navigation 68A
Dec 25 1034   GSAT-5P           GSLV               Sriharikota SLP  Comms      F04
Dec 26 2151   KA-SAT            Proton-M/Briz-M    Baykonur LC200/39 Comms     69A
Dec 29 2127   Hispasat 1E  )    Ariane 5ECA        Kourou            Comms     70A
              Koreasat 6   )                                         Comms     70B

Table of Recent (suborbital) Launches

Date UT     Payload/Flt Name  Launch Vehicle  Site            Mission    Apogee/km

Nov 25 0440   Agni I RV        Agni 1             Wheeler Island      Test         300?
Dec  4 0421   ECOMA 7          Nike Orion         Andoya              Meteor dust  135
Dec  5 1911   Topol' RV        Topol'             Kapustin Yar        Test        1000?
Dec  6 1719   Maracati 2       Orion              Alcantara           Range Test   103
Dec  6 1730?  NASA 41.087NT    Terrier Orion      White Sands         Tech         120
Dec 12 0638   NASA 40.026UE    Black Brant XII    Andoya              Aurora       500?
Dec 12 1535   MICROG 1A        VSB-30             Alcantara           Micrograv    242
Dec 13 0324   ECOMA 8          Nike Orion         Andoya              Meteor dust  138
Dec 15 1957?  FTG-06A Target   LV-2               Meck Island         Target      1000?
Dec 15 2003   FTG-06A KV       GBI                Vandenberg LF23     Interceptor 1000?
Dec 19 0236   ECOMA 9          Nike Orion         Andoya              Meteor dust  135?

|  Jonathan McDowell                 |  phone : (617) 495-7176            |
|  Somerville MA 02143               |  inter : jcm at www.planet4589.org    |
|  USA                               |          jcm at cfa.harvard.edu       |
|                                                                         |
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