[JSR] Jonathan's Space Report, No. 686

Jonathan McDowell jcm at planet4589.org
Sun Sep 22 22:27:11 EDT 2013

Jonathan's Space Report
No. 686                                                       2013 Sep 23, Somerville, MA

International Space Station

Expedition 37 is underway with commander Fyodor Yurchikin, FE-5 Luca Parmitano and
FE-6 Karen Nyberg.

Ferry ship Soyuz TMA-09M is at Rassvet. Cargo ship ATV-4 is at the Zvezda module and
Progress M-20M is at the Pirs module.

On Sep 18 the second Antares 110 rocket took off from the Mid Atlantic
Regional Spaceport (MARS) at Wallops Island and placed the first Orbital
Sciences Cygnus cargo ship in orbit. Cygnus #1 is named SS G. David Low
after the late astronaut and Orbital employee (1956-2008); Low was also
the son of a former NASA administrator.

The 4127 kg Cygnus spacecraft consists of a pressurized cargo module
(PCM), serial PCM-0, built by Thales Alenia in Torino, and a service
module (SM) built by Orbital/Dulles. The craft carries 700 kg of cargo
on this mission. It is scheduled to rendezvous with the ISS. Intiial
orbit was 261 x 277 km x 51.6 deg; at 2007 UTC orbit was raised to 274 x
384 km. On Sep 22 the first attempt at rendezvous was cancelled due to a software
problem in the GPS navigation system, and Cygnus passed ISS at a distance of
4 km at 0845 UTC.

Voyager 1

JPL and NASA have reported that Voyager 1 appears to have left the heliosphere and
entered a transitional part of the interstellar medium. Plasma wave measurements
show that the ambient plasma density increased after 2012 Aug to a value consistent
with being the ISM, consistent with the change in energetic particle density on
2012 Aug 25.

Voyager is outside the solar atmosphere with escape velocity, but it has
NOT yet 'left the Solar System' and won't do for many centuries yet.
JPL were VERY careful not to use the words 'left the Solar System' but the media
quite understandably elided the technical distinction; we're all pedants here, though,
so let's be careful.

Gravitationally, the System stretches out to 1000 times Voyager's
current distance until the galactic tidal potential dominates. For a
smaller scale analogy, think of space probe launched from Earth on an
escape trajectory. Leaving parking orbit, it passes through the
geostationary belt and then out to the magnetopause at a few tens of
thousands of km, where it it emerges into the interplanetary medium. But
its orbit is still influenced by the Earth rather than the Sun until it
leaves the sphere of influence at around 1 million km ( 1.5 million if
you use the equipotential surface marked by the L1 point).

Nevertheless, VGR-1 is the first human artifact to directly taste the interstellar air,
a milestone worth celebrating.


Following the first perigee burn on Sep 13 at 1641 UTC, LADEE's orbit
changed from 2059 x 289461 km x 33.9deg to 2063 x 325450 km x 35.4 deg.
LADEE's second perigee burn was on Sep 21 at 1153 UTC. It was expected
to raise the orbit to 1352 x 373000 km x 38.2 deg, reaching apogee
around Sep 26, and perigee on Oct 1. On the following apogee on Oct 6
LADEE will enter lunar orbit.


Cassini flew past Titan on the T-94 flyby at a height of 1400 km at 0745
UTC Sep 12. The spacecraft is now in a 1.14 x 2.65 Mkm x 52.0 deg orbit
around Saturn; this is the highest its periapsis has been during the
mission. Listed here are the targeted flybys so far this year.
   Date UTC          Rev  Target   Flyby  height
   2013 Feb 17 0156  181  Titan    T-89  1978 km
   2013 Mar  9 1819  183  Rhea     R-4    997 km
   2013 Apr  5 2143  185  Titan    T-90  1400 km
   2013 May 23 1733  190  Titan    T-91   970 km
   2013 Jul 10 1323  194  Titan    T-92   964 km
   2013 Jul 26 1158  195  Titan    T-93  1400 km
   2013 Sep 12 0745  197  Titan    T-94  1400 km


Three Gonets-M low orbit communications satellites were launched on Sep 11
by a Rokot vehicle with a Briz-KM upper stage. They reached a 1494 x 1510 km x 82.5 deg


Japan's new solid fuel launch vehicle, Epsilon, made a successful first flight 
from Uchinoura on Sep 14. It placed the 340 kg SPRINT-A satellite in orbit.
SPRINT-A is the Spectroscopic Planet Observatory for Recognition of Interaction of
Atmosphere, carrying a 0.20-meter silicon carbide mirror with 
an extreme ultraviolet spectrometer observing in the 550 to 1450 Angstrom range,
which will be used to study the exospheres of planets in our solar system.
After the launch, SPRINT-A was renamed "Hisaki" after Cape Hisaki (which I believe
is at 31.28N 131.13E, but welcome corrections).

The Epsilon rocket uses the H2A's solid rocket booster SRB-A3 as its first stage.
Second stage uses the M-34c solid motor, which is an improved version of the third
stage of the old ISAS M-V rocket. Third stage is the KM-V2b, derived from the
KM-V2 kick motor used as the insertion stage for the Hayabusa probe in 2003.
Final stage is a new liquid propulsion Post-Boost System (PBS; in Japanese,
Kogata ekitai suishin-kei, small liquid propulsion system) with 8 50N thrusters.

Hisaki is in a 952 x 1155 km x 29.7 deg orbit; the PBS fourth stage is
in an 847 x 1115 km x 29.7 deg orbit; and the third stage is in an 808 x
973 km x 29.8 deg orbit.


The third Advanced EHF communications satellite for the US Air Force was launched
on Atlas AV-041 on Sep 18. AV-041 reached a 178 x 1041 km x 27.5 deg parking
orbit followed by a 225 x 50057 km x 20.52 deg supersynchronous deployment orbit.
The satellite has a Japanese IHI BT-4 bipropellant thruster and an Aerojet
electric propulsion system.

Deep Impact

The Deep Impact/EPOXI mission has come to an end. Last contact with the Deep Impact Flyby
spacecraft was on Aug 11, and attempts to revive it have been abandoned.
In Oct 2012 the probe was targeted towards minor planet (163249) 2002 GT, which
it might have reached in 2020. DIF is in a 0.97 x 1.21 AU x 3.2 deg heliocentric orbit.

Erratum - Amos

Mass of Amos 4 at launch was 4260 kg. It turns out that the object initially tracked
as Amos 4 was actually the DM-SLB, and the orbit quoted in JSR 685 was the post depletion
burn orbit of that stage. Amos 4's initial perigee was around 3090 km. Thanks to
Andrey Krasil'nikov for these corrections.

Table of Recent (orbital) Launches 
Date UT       Name            Launch Vehicle        Site            Mission    INTL.  

Aug  3 1948   Konoutori 4        H-IIB            Tanegashima LP2   Cargo       40A
Aug  8 0029   WGS 6              Delta 4M+(5,4)   Canaveral SLC37   Comms       41A
Aug 22 1439   Arirang-5          Dnepr            Yasniy Sh370/13   Imaging     42A
Aug 28 1803   USA 245            Delta 4H         Vandenberg SLC6   Imaging     43A
Aug 29 2030   Es'hail 1  )       Ariane 5ECA      Kourou ELA3       Comms       44A
              GSAT-7     )                                          Comms       44B
Aug 31 2005   AMOS 4             Zenit-3M         Baykonur LC45     Comms       45A
Sep  1 1916   Yaogan 17     )    Chang Zheng 4C   Jiuquan LC603     SIGINT      46A
              YW-17 subsat 1)                                       SIGINT      46B
              YW-17 subsat 2)                                       SIGINT      46C
Sep  7 0327   LADEE              Minotaur V       Wallops I. LA0B   Lunar probe 47A
Sep 11 2323   Gonets-M No. 14 )  Rokot            Plesetsk LC133/3  Comms       48A
              Gonets-M No. 16 )                                     Comms       48B
              Gonets-M No. 17 )                                     Comms       48C
Sep 14 0500   Hisaki             Epsilon          Uchinoura         Astronomy   49A
Sep 18 0810   AEHF 3             Atlas V 531      Canaveral SLC41   Comms       50A
Sep 18 1458   Cygnus Demo        Antares 110      Wallops I. LA0A   Cargo       51A
Suborbital launches

The Missile Defense Agency's FTO-01 exercise on Sep 10 involved the launch of
the first eMRBM extended-medium range ballistic missile target from a C-17 aircraft
over the Pacific, intercepted by a THAAD missile launched from Meck Island on Kwajalein
Atoll. The eMRBM uses two SR-19 solid motors (retired Minuteman second stages) and
is integrated at Lockheed Martin's Courtland, Alabama factory.
Another target was launched at the same time from Wake Island; the type of rocket
is not known but is probably another variant using SR-19 motors. It was intercepted
by an Aegis/Standard Missile-3 launched from the USS Decatur; a second THAAD launch
from Meck was also sent to intercept it in case the Aegis missed. Two more
Aegis launches, of SM-3 Block IB missiles, took place on Sep 19, against
an ARAV-C++ separating target (probably a Talos-Castor rocket) launched from Kauai.

I've removed the Aug 15 PAC-3 target launch as it seems likely it involved a lower
altitude, smaller endo-atmospheric rocket.

A Bulava missile launch from the submarine K-550 Aleksandr Nevskiy on Sep 6
was meant to fly from the White Sea to the Kura range in Kamchatka, but 
the second stage failed (http://russianforces.org). 
It's not clear whether the flight made it out of the atmosphere.

Apparent high altitude rocket burns were observed from the Canary Islands
on Sep 10. In the 1970s Poseidon MIRV reentries were observed in this area,
and I speculate that the event may represent a classified Trident missile

The University of Queensland's Scramspace 1 hypersonic research payload
was launched 1115 UTC Sep 18 from Andoya by the German space agency DLR,
but the first stage of the VS30/Orion rocket failed and it did not reach
space. In a new winning entry for 'most ridiculous PR euphemism', trying to
avoid using the word 'crashed', the  statement from the University said
that the experiment "has been discontinued".

Table of Recent (suborbital) Launches

Date UT     Payload/Flt Name  Launch Vehicle  Site                   Mission    Apogee/km

Aug  8 1810   NASA 36.239DS    Black Brant IX      White Sands       Solar UV     280
Aug 12 0345   Prithvi RV       Prithvi II          Chandipur         Training     100?
Aug 13 1000   Rocksat-X        Terrier Imp. Mal.   Wallops I         Education    151
Sep  3 0616   Radar target     Silver Sparrow      F-15, Med. Sea    Target       150?
Sep  6 0520   Bulava RV        Bulava            K-550, White Sea    Test         100?
Sep 10        MBRV?            Unknown             Wake Island       Target       300?
Sep 10        MBRV?            eMRBM               C-17, Pacific     Target       300?
Sep 10        Aegis KV         SM-3              USS Decatur,Pacific Interceptor  150?
Sep 10        THAAD KV         THAAD               Meck Island       Interceptor  100?
Sep 10        THAAD KV         THAAD               Meck Island       Interceptor  100?
Sep 10 2110?  RV?              Trident D-5??    Atlantic Ocean    Test?     
Sep 15 0920   Agni RV          Agni V              Wheeler I. IC4    Test         800?
Sep 19 0030   Target           ARAV-C++            Kauai             Target       150?
Sep 19 0032?  Aegis KV         SM-3-1B           USS Lake Erie       Interceptor  150?
Sep 19 0032?  Aegis KV         SM-3-1B           USS Lake Erie       Interceptor  150?
Sep 22 1001   Mk 21 RV?        Minuteman 3         Vandenberg LF10   Op. test    1300?

|  Jonathan McDowell                 |                                    |
|  Somerville MA 02143               |  inter : planet4589 at gmail       |
|  USA                               |  twitter: @planet4589              |
|                                                                         |
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