[JSR] Jonathan's Space Report, No. 761
Jonathan McDowell
jcm at planet4589.com
Sat Feb 23 22:40:35 EST 2019
Jonathan's Space Report
No. 761 2019 Feb 24 Somerville, MA
Spaceship Two
Virgin Galactic's Spaceship Two VSS Unity made its second spaceflight on
Feb 22. Takeoff of the White Knight Two carrier plane, VMS Eve, on
mission WK2-265/SS2-16 was around 1605 UTC from Mojave Air and Space
Port. Aboard VSS Unity were pilots Dave Mackay and Mike Masucci, and
third flight crew member Beth Moses (Chief Trainer for VG).
WK2 flew north to Owens Lake, west to Overlook Mountain in the Sierra
Nevada and then south to the drop point near Kelso Valley Airport. At
about 1653 UTC, at an altitude of 13.4 km, WK2 dropped VSS Unity.
Unity's hybrid RM2 rocket motor fired and boosted it to an apogee of
89.9 km; Unity then glided to touchdown on the Mojave runway RW12/30.
International Space Station
Expedition 58 remains underway.
On Jan 30 the Nanoracks NRCSD-15 cubesat package, launched on Dragon
CRS-16, was attached to the MPEP platform. The next day the
NRCSD-15/MPEP was pulled out of the Kibo airlock by the JEM RMS robot
arm and its contents ejected into orbit over a period of six hours:
APL's CAT-1 and CAT-2 Cubesat Assessment and Test, two 3U cubesats with experimental signal processing payloads
for an unidentified US Department of Defense organization;
Aarhus University's 1U student cubesat Delphini 1, with a NanoEye Earth imager;
The University of Southern Indiana's UNITE 1U student cubesat, with a Langmuir
probe to measure ionospheric electron density;
The San Jose State Univ/NASA-Ames TechEdSat-8, which will deploy a controllable drag brake
to target reentry as part of an ongoing program to attempt recovery of cubesat payloads from orbit.
On Feb 7 the Slingshot deployer, launched aboard Dragon CRS-16, was mounted
on the nose of Cygnus NG-10, currently berthed on the Unity node. Slingshot was devloped
by SEOPS LLC, now part of Hypergiant Galactic of Houston.
On Feb 8 at about 1345 UTC the Cygnus NG-10 (S.S. John Young) was
unberthed from the Unity node and at 1616 UTC it was released into
orbit. After departing ISS, the cargo ship SS John Young was in a 405 x
418 km orbit slightly above the station. By 2130 UTC it had made two
burns to raise orbit to 453 x 460 km im preparation for cubesat deploys.
Cygnus/Slingshot deployed the Hypergiant Galactic/SEOPS
Quantum Radar 1 and 2 cubesats at 0000:00 UTC on Feb 9.
On Feb 13 at 1200 the Cygnus Nanoracks NRCSD-E deployer ejected Malaysia's MySat
and NRL's CHEFSAT 2. CHEFSAT-2's mission is to space-qualify consumer-grade
E-band (mm-wave) devices.
Later on Feb 13, Cygnus made a further series of burns to lower its orbit to only
293 x 306 km, below the ISS, and at 2245 UTC the NRCSD-E ejected KickSat-2,
which contains over 100 small 5-gram Sprite chipsats. It is unclear when and if the
Sprites will be ejected from Kicksat-2; the Kicksat-2 beacon has been detected
but is very weak and it appears its antenna did not deploy correctly.
(Thanks to NG Cygnus team and Nanoracks for the Cygnus cubesat deployment times.)
I'm putting out this call on behalf of Stuart Eves, who is researching the British military
communications satellite program Skynet I. The Skynet IA satellite was launched in 1969
and there are excellent UK (RAE) records of its operations, including orbit manuevers, up to 1974,
at which point it remained over the Indian Ocean.
However, we know that in circa 1976 it was moved to 105W, a GEO stable position in whose
vicinity it has remained until the present. But we have no records of this move; we suspect
the satellite was turned back to the manufacturer Philco (later Ford Aerospace, then SS/Loral,
now Maxar) and was moved by them back over the US for end-of-life testing. Do any readers
have knowledge of this, or perhaps contacts who worked at Philco-Ford/Ford Aerospace in the 1970s
who might have relevant memories and/or documents in their garage? If so, please get in touch!
The Hayabusa-2 probe in the vicinity of (162173) Ryugu already deposited
three rover-landers on the asteroid, but on Feb 20 Japan began an
attempt to land the main probe itself momentarily on the surface in a
touch-and-go operation to collect an asteroid surface sample. The
landing attempt was designated TD1-L08E1; L08E1 is the designation of
the target landing site. Hayabusa-2 began its descent at around 0415
UTC Feb 21 and reached the surface at about 2230 UTC. It fired a
projectile into the surface, which - it is hoped - kicked up asteroidal
material into the probe's sample collector; and then immediately
took off again to return towards the 20 km home point.
Elysium Star 2 is apparently an attached payload on the SSO-A LFF. It is
also reported that ENOCH failed to separate, possibly also from the LFF.
A new object cataloged on Feb 1 may be SEE-ME, which was designed to be
ejected from the eXCITe payload.
Iran's second orbital attempt, and second failure, of the year came on
Feb 5 with the older Safir rocket, carrying a small satellite named
Dousti. US reports indicate the launch failed `early in flight', at 140s
- which should be just before stage 1 separation.
Ariane VA247
Ariane flight VA247, probably vehicle L5106, flew from Kourou on Feb 5
to a 3.0 deg geotransfer orbit, delivering two communications
satellites. GSAT-31 is an ISRO I2K satellite for the Indian Air Force
with a launch mass of 2536 kg; Saudi GeoSat 1, also known as
HellasSat-4, is a Lockheed Martin A2100TR satellite with a launch mass
of 6495 kg, owned by Arabsat and its Greek HellasSat subsidiary. It
carries a Ka-band comms payload for the Saudi technology agency KACST,
and a Ku-band payload for HellasSat.
Egyptsat-A (MisrSat-A) was launched on Feb 21 by a Soyuz from Baykonur
into an 0950 LTDN sun-synchronous orbit.
The satellite, built by Energiya for Egypt's national remote sensing
agency, replaces the similar EgyptSat-2 which failed in 2015.
Nusantara Satu
Nusantara Satu is a Maxar SS/L-1300 C/Ku-band satellite for Indonesian
telecom operator PT Pasific Satellit Nusantara. It was launched on a
Falcon 9 from Canaveral's SLC40. Falcon 9 B1048 became the second F9
first stage to make a third flight; it landed successfully on the OCISLY
droneship and is expected to fly again on a Dragon abort test a few
months from now.
Nusantara Satu, previously known as PSN 6, is the second SS/L-1300
satellite to carry an attached subsatellite; the Hispasat 30W-6 mission
carried PODSAT, which was ejected in transfer orbit. This mission
carries S5, a space surveillance satellite for the US Air Force Research
Lab. S5 will stay attached to the host satellite until it reaches
geostationary orbit, and then separate.
The Falcon 9 second stage delivered its payloads to a 69000 km
apogee supersynchronous transfer orbit.
The Beresheet lunar lander, from the Israeli group SpaceIL, was mounted
on top of Nusantara Satu and separated from the Falcon 9 stack before
it. SpaceIL plans to use Beresheet's own propulsion system to raise its
apogee to lunar distance, then enter lunar orbit and eventually land on
the surface. Beresheet is 585 kg full 150 kg dry.
Kalamsat-v2 was a 1 kg cubesat attached to the PSLV-DL PS4 stage. The 0.064 kg femtosat
version was Kalamsat-v1, launched on sounding rocket NASA 41.121UO in 2017.
Table of Recent Orbital Launches
Date UT Name Launch Vehicle Site Mission INTL. Catalog Perigee Apogee Incl Notes
Dec 3 1131 Soyuz MS-11 R-7 Baykonur LC1 Spaceship 98A S43756 200 x 239 x 51.6
Dec 3 1834 SSO-A UFF ) Falcon 9 Vandenberg SLC4E Tech 99F S43763 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
SSO-A LFF ) Tech 99C S43760 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Eu:CROPIS ) Rem.Sensing 99BB S43807 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
SkySat C12 ) Imaging 99AR S43797 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
SkySat C13 ) Imaging 99AW S43802 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
STPSat 5 ) Tech 99E S43762 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
KazSTSat ) Imaging 99AB S43783 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
NEXTSat-1 ) IR Astron 99BF S43811 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
eXCITe ) Tech 99BP S43819 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
ICEYE-X2 ) Radar 99D S43761 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Global-2 ) Imaging 99BG S43812 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
FalconSat-6 ) Tech 99BK S43815 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
ESEO ) Tech 99AL S43792 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Hawk A ) Elint 99H S43765 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Hawk B ) Elint 99AN S43794 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Hawk C ) Elint 99AT S43799 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Flock 3s-1 ) Imaging 99N S43770 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Flock 3s-2 ) Imaging 99BR S43821 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Flock 3s-3 ) Imaging 99AG S43788 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
AISTechSat-2 ) Imaging/Com 99L S43768 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Hiber-2 ) Comms 99S S43774 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Landmapper-BC4) Imaging 99K S43767 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
VESTA ) Comms 99Z S43781 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Yukon ) Comms 99BC S43808 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Kodiak ) Comms 99G S43764 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
SpaceBEE 5 ) Comms 99BM S43817 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
SpaceBEE 6 ) Comms 99BN S43818 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
SpaceBEE 7 ) Comms 99BL S43816 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Orbweaver 1 ) Tech 99AP S43795 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Orbweaver 2 ) Tech 99AD S43785 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
ITASAT-1 ) Tech 99AE S43786 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Eaglet 1 ) Imaging 99AJ S43790 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Al Farabi 2 ) Comms 99AZ S43805 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Denali ) Radar 99AK S43791 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
KazSciSat ) Tech 99AB S43783 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
MinXSS 2 ) Solar X 99A S43758 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
SNUSAT 2 ) Imaging 99AA S43782 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
SNUGLITE ) Tech/Comms 99AC S43784 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
PW-Sat 2 ) Tech 99BJ S43814 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
RANGE A ) Tech 99Q S43772 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
RANGE B ) Tech 99R S43773 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
CSIM-FD ) Tech 99AM S43793 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
MOVE 2 ) Tech 99Y S43780 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Suomi-100 ) Tech 99AY S43804 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Elysium Star 2) Burial 99C S43760 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
ENOCH ) Art 99V S43777 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Fox-1C (AO-95)) Comms 99N S43770 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
JY1SAT (JO-97)) Comms 99AX S43803 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Astrocast-0.1 ) Comms 99AS S43798 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
SeaHawk ) Imaging 99BQ S43820 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Audacy Zero ) Comms 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
SIRION PF 2 ) Comms 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
BRIO ) Tech 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Centauri 1 ) Comms 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
K2SAT ) Imaging/Com 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Orbital Reflector) Art 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
RAAF M1 ) Comms 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
THEA ) Sigint 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Blackhawk ) Comms 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
VisionCube ) Atmos Sci 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Exseedsat-1 (VO-96)) Comms 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
KNACKSAT ) Tech 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
WeissSat 1 ) Tech 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
IRVINE02 ) Tech 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
DoD Cube 2A ) Comms? 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
DoD Cube 2B ) Comms? 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
DoD Cube 2C ) Comms? 99 574 x 590 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Dec 4 2037 GSAT-11 ) Ariane 5ECA Kourou ELA3 Comms 100A? S43823 245 x 35741 x 3.5
Geo-Kompsat 2A ) Comms 100B? S43824 250 x 35742 x 3.5
Dec 5 1816 Dragon CRS-16 Falcon 9 Canaveral SLC40 Cargo 101A S43827 204 x 358 x 51.6
Dec 7 0412 SaudiSat-5A ) Chang Zheng 2D Jiuquan Tech 102A S43831 535 x 551 x 97.6 1030LT SSO
SaudiSat-5B ) Tech 102C S43833 535 x 551 x 97.6 1030LT SSO
TY/DF-1 ) Tech 102B? S43832? 535 x 551 x 97.6 1030LT SSO
TFSTAR ) Comms 102D? S43834? 535 x 551 x 97.6 1030LT SSO
Xinjiang Jiaotong--01) Comms 102E? S43835? 535 x 551 x 97.6 1030LT SSO
Piao chong 1 ) Comms 102F? S43836? 535 x 551 x 97.6 1030LT SSO
Piao chong 2 ) Comms 102G? S43837? 535 x 551 x 97.6 1030LT SSO
Piao chong 3 ) Comms 102H? S43838? 535 x 551 x 97.6 1030LT SSO
Piao chong 4 ) Comms 102J? S43839? 535 x 551 x 97.6 1030LT SSO
Piao chong 5 ) Comms 102K? S43840? 535 x 551 x 97.6 1030LT SSO
Piao chong 6 ) Comms 102L? S43841? 535 x 551 x 97.6 1030LT SSO
Piao chong 7 ) Imaging 102M? S43842? 535 x 551 x 97.6 1030LT SSO
Dec 7 1823 Chang'e 4 ) Chang Zheng 3B Xichang Lunar probe 103A S43845 200 x 420000x 29.4
Lunar rover ) Lunar rover 103 A09236 200 x 420000x 29.4
Dec 16 0633 Albus ) Tech 104 489 x 511 x 85.0
CeReS ) Science 104 489 x 511 x 85.0
CHOMPTT ) Electron Mahia Tech 104G S43855 489 x 511 x 85.0
Cubesail ) Tech 104 489 x 511 x 85.0
DaVinci ) Education 104J S43857 489 x 511 x 85.0
ISX-CP11 ) Science 104H S43856 489 x 511 x 85.0
NMTSat ) Science 104 489 x 511 x 85.0
RSat-P ) Tech 104 489 x 511 x 85.0
Shields ) Tech 104B S43850 489 x 511 x 85.0
STF-1 ) Science 104D S43852 495 x 516 x 85.0
Goergen (SHFT-1) ) Rad Astron 104M S43860 496 x 511 x 85.0
AC11-Eagle Scout ) Imaging 104N S43861 490 x 515 x 85.0
AC11-R3 ) Imaging 104A S43849 490 x 515 x 85.0
Dec 19 1040 GSAT-7A GSLV Mk II Sriharikota Comms 105A S43864 145 x 38932 x 19.4
Dec 19 1637 CSO-1 Soyuz ST-A CSG ELS Imaging 106A S43866 800?x 800?x 98?
Dec 21 0020 Kosmos-2533 Proton-M Baykonur Comms 107A S43867 35421 x 35802 x 0.2
Dec 21 SEDA-AP ISS, LEO Science 98067PU S43870 401 x 408 x 51.6
Dec 21 2351 Honygun GJYW Chang Zheng 11 Jiuquan Comms 108A S43871 1065 x 1072 x 99.9 0600LT SSO
Dec 23 1351 GPS III SV01 Falcon 9 Canaveral SLC40 Navigation 109A S43873 1192 x 20199 x 55.0
Dec 24 1653 TJS 3 ) Chang Zheng 3C Xichang Tech? 110A S43874 35777 x 35796 x 0.1 GEO 59E
TJS 3 subsat ) Tech 110C S43917 35782 x 35793 x 0.1 GEO 59E
Dec 27 0207 Kanopus-V No. 5 ) Soyuz-2-1A/Fregat Vostochniy Imaging 111A S43876 504 x 511 x 97.5 2322LT SSO
Kanopus-V No. 6 ) Imaging 111B S43877 499 x 511 x 97.5 2322LT SSO
GRUS 1 ) Imaging 111 S43878 486 x 562 x 97.6 2322LT SSO
UWE-4 ) Tech 111E S43880 571 x 587 x 97.3
D-Star ONE Sparrow ) Tech/Comms 111F S43881 571 x 583 x 97.3
iSat ) Comms 111D S43879 571 x 583 x 97.3
Lemur-2-RemyColton ) Met/Comms 111J S43884 571 x 583 x 97.3
Lemur-2-Gustavo ) Met/Comms 111K S43885 571 x 583 x 97.3
Lemur-2-ChristinaHolt) Met/Comms 111G S43882 571 x 583 x 97.3
Lemur-2-Zo ) Met/Comms 111L S43886 571 x 583 x 97.3
Lemur-2-TinyKev ) Met/Comms 111H S43883 571 x 583 x 97.3
Lemur-2-SarahBettyBoo) Met/Comms 111N S43888 571 x 583 x 97.3
Lemur-2-NatalieMurray) Met/Comms 111M S43887 571 x 583 x 97.3
Lemur-2-DaisyHarper ) Met/Comms 111P S43889 571 x 583 x 97.3
ZACube-2 ) Comms 111 S43891? 495 x 515 x 97.30
Lume-1 ) Comms 111AJ S43908 480 x 512 x 97.30
Flock 3k-1/Dove 1062 ) Imaging 111U S43894 480 x 512 x 97.30
Flock 3k-2/Dove 106c ) Imaging 111V S43895 480 x 512 x 97.30
Flock 3k-3/Dove 1068 ) Imaging 111S S43892 480 x 512 x 97.30
Flock 3k-4/Dove 1063 ) Imaging 111T S43893 480 x 512 x 97.30
Flock 3k-5/Dove 1067 ) Imaging 111Z S43899 480 x 512 x 97.30
Flock 3k-6/Dove 1069 ) Imaging 111W S43896 480 x 512 x 97.30
Flock 3k-7/Dove 106a ) Imaging 111AC S43902 480 x 510 x 97.30
Flock 3k-8/Dove 106b ) Imaging 111AB S43901 480 x 510 x 97.30
Flock 3k-9/Dove 1065 ) Imaging 111AG S43906 480 x 510 x 97.30
Flock 3k-10/Dove 106d) Imaging 111AF S43905 480 x 510 x 97.30
Flock 3k-11/Dove 106e) Imaging 111AE S43904 480 x 510 x 97.30
Flock 3k-12/Dove 106f) Imaging 111AD S43903 480 x 509 x 97.30
Dec 29 0800 Chongqing ) Chang Zheng 2D/YZ3 Jiuquan Comms 112F S43914 515 x 525 x 50.0
Yunhai-2 01 ) Meteo 112A S43909 515 x 525 x 50.0
Yunhai-2 02 ) Meteo 112B S43910 515 x 525 x 50.0
Yunhai-2 03 ) Meteo 112C S43911 1088 x 1098 x 50.0
Yunhai-2 04 ) Meteo 112D S43912 1090 x 1099 x 50.0
Yunhai-2 05 ) Meteo 112E S43913 1091 x 1100 x 50.0
Yunhai-2 06 ) Meteo 112G S43915 1092 x 1100 x 50.0
Jan 10 1711 Zhongxing-2D Chang Zheng 3B Xichang Comms 01A S43920 181 x 35818 x 27.1
Jan 11 1531 Iridium SV167 ) Falcon 9 Vandenberg SLC4E Comms 02K S43931 611 x 623 x 86.7
Iridium SV168 ) Comms 02C S43924 611 x 623 x 86.7
Iridium SV169 ) Comms 02E S43926 611 x 623 x 86.7
Iridium SV170 ) Comms 02J S43930 611 x 623 x 86.7
Iridium SV171 ) Comms 02H S43929 611 x 623 x 86.7
Iridium SV172 ) Comms 02F S43927 611 x 623 x 86.7
Iridium SV173 ) Comms 02D S43925 611 x 623 x 86.7
Iridium SV175 ) Comms 02G S43928 611 x 623 x 86.7
Iridium SV176 ) Comms 02B S43923 611 x 623 x 86.7
Iridium SV180 ) Comms 02A S43922 611 x 623 x 86.7
Jan 15 0030 Payam Simorgh Khomeini SC Comms/Imag F01 F01532 -2600?x 500?x 55.0
Jan 18 0050 RAPIS ) Epsilon Uchinoura Tech 03 S43932 498 x 510 x 97.3 0932LT SSO
RiseSat ) Tech 03C S43934 490 x 513 x 97.3 0932LT SSO
MicroDragon ) Tech 03D S43935 491 x 511 x 97.3 0932LT SSO
OrigamiSat-1 (FO-98)) Tech 03B S43933 489 x 513 x 97.3 0932LT SSO
Aoba-VELOX IV ) Tech 03J S43940 481 x 512 x 97.3 0932LT SSO
Nexus (FO-99) ) Tech 03F S43937 480 x 512 x 97.3 0932LT SSO
ALE-1 ) Tech 03G S43938 480 x 513 x 97.3 0932LT SSO
Jan 19 1910 USA 290 Delta 4 Heavy Vandenberg SLC6 Imaging 04A S43941 395 x 420 x 73.6
Jan 21 0542 Jilin Lincao 1 ) Chang Zheng 11 Jiuquan Imaging 05B S43943 516 x 540 x 97.5 1200LT SSO
Wenchang Chaosuan 1) Imaging 05E S43946 517 x 539 x 97.5 1200LT SSO
Qingteng Zhi Xing ) Imaging 05C S43944 523 x 539 x 97.5 1200LT SSO
Lingque 1 A xing ) Imaging 05A S43942 516 x 539 x 97.5 1200LT SSO
Jan 24 1807 Microsat-R ) PSLV-DL Satish Dhawan FLP Imaging 06A S43947 265 x 279 x 96.5 2340LT SSO
Kalamsat-v2) Tech 06B S43948 448 x 452 x 98.7 2340LT SSO
Jan 31 1025 CAT-1 ) ISS, LEO Tech 9867PV? S44029? 402 x 408 x 51.6
CAT-2 ) Tech 9867PW? S44030? 402 x 408 x 51.6
Jan 31 1200 Delphini 1 ISS, LEO Imaging 9867PX? S44031? 402 x 408 x 51.6
Jan 31 1340 UNITE ISS, LEO Science 9867PY? S44032? 402 x 408 x 51.6
Jan 31 1645 TechEdSat-8 ISS, LEO Tech 9867PZ? S44032? 402 x 408 x 51.6
Feb 1? SeeMe? EXCITE, LEO Imaging 99BS S43822 571 x 594 x 97.8 1017LT SSO
Feb 5 Dousti Safir Semnan Imaging F02 F01533 -6000?x 10?x 55.0
Feb 5 2101 Saudi Geosat 1 ) Ariane 5ECA Kourou ELA3 Comms 07A S44034 242 x 35770 x 3.0
GSAT-31 ) Comms 07B S44035 245 x 35841 x 3.0
Feb 9 0000 Quantum Radar 1 ) Cygnus NG10,LEO Tech 18092C S44041 455 x 459 x 51.6
Quantum Radar 2 ) Tech 18092D S44042 457 x 457 x 51.6
Feb 13 1200 MySat-1 ) Cygnus NG10,LEO Tech 18092E S44044? 455 x 471 x 51.6
CHEFSAT-2 ) Tech 18092F S44045? 455 x 471 x 51.6
Feb 13 2245 Kicksat-2 Cygnus NG10,LEO Tech 18092G S44046 297 x 306 x 51.6
Feb 21 1647 EgyptSat-A Soyuz-2-1b/Fregat Baykonur LC31 Imaging 08A S44047 652 x 656 x 98.0 0950LT SSO
Feb 22 0145 Nusantara Satu ) Falcon 9 Canaveral SLC40 Comms 09A S44048 226 x 69068 x 27.6
S5 ) Imaging 09D? Attached to Nusantara Satu
Beresheet ) Lunar probe 09B S44049 242 x 68845 x 27.6
Table of Recent Suborbital Launches
Date UT Payload/Flt Name Launch Vehicle Site Mission Apogee/km Target
Dec 13 1600 VSS Unity VP03 Spaceship Two Kelso Valley Test 82.7 Mojave
Dec 18 0746 DEUCE 2 Black Brant IX White Sands UV Astron 282 White Sands
Dec 23 Nudol' KV Nudol' Plesetsk Test 500? Laptev Sea
Dec 26 0959 Avangard UR-100NU Yasniy Test 1000? Kura
Jan 4 0927 CAPER-2 Black Brant XIIA Andoya Magnetosphere 774 Norwegian Sea
Jan 13 0913 G-CHASER Terrier Imp.Malemute Andoya Atmosphere 174 Norwegian Sea
Jan 22 Arrow Target Silver Sparrow? F-15, Med. Sea? Target 200? Med. Sea
Jan 22 Arrow KV Arrow 3 Palmachim Interceptor 200? Intercept
Jan 23 1405 New Shepard CC2 New Shepard West Texas Test 107 West Texas
Feb 6 0701 Mk 21 RV/FTU-1 Minuteman 3 Vandenberg Test 1300? Pacific Ocean
Feb 6 0831 Yars RV Yars Plesetsk Test 1300? Kura
Feb 22 1654 VSS Unity VP04? Spaceship Two Kelso Valley Test 89.9 Mojave
| Jonathan McDowell | |
| Somerville MA 02143 | inter : planet4589 at gmail |
| USA | twitter: @planet4589 |
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