[JSR] Jonathan's Space Report, No. 787

Jonathan McDowell jcm at planet4589.com
Wed Dec 16 20:49:03 EST 2020

Jonathan's Space Report
No. 787                                                          2020 Dec 16  Somerville, MA

International Space Station

Expedition 64 continues under the command of Sergey Ryzhikov.

On Dec 6, SpaceX launched Dragon CRS-21 from Kennedy Space Center. The Falcon 9 first
stage landed on the OCISLY droneship. CRS-21 is the first cargo mission for Dragon 2.
As for Crew Dragon, and unlike the orginal cargo Dragon, Cargo Dragon 2 has no deployable
solar arrays, does not jettison its nose cap during launch, and once reaching ISS docks with an IDA
docking port (IDA-3) instead of being captured by Canadarm-2.  CRS-21 indeed docked with IDA-3
on Node 2 Zenith at 1840 UTC Dec 7. 

In the Dragon trunk is the Nanoracks Bishop Airlock. The 1090 kg airlock will be installed
on ISS Node 3. In use it will be unberthed from Node 3 by Canadarm-2  and satellites will
be ejected from it in that unberthed configuration; it will then be reinstalled on Node 3.
Among the pressurized cargo was a refurbished spacesuit, EMU 3015. It will replace
EMU 3008, which will be returned to Earth aboard CRS-21 when it lands.


China's CALT launched a Chang Zheng 5 (serial Y5) from Wenchang at 2030
UTC on Nov 23. The second stage reached parking orbit at 2042 UTC and
reignited at 2058 UTC for a 7 minute burn to enter a high apogee orbit.
At 2016 UTC the payload, the Chang'e-5 moon probe, separated from the
second stage. 

The 8200 kg Chang'e-5, devloped by CAST/Beijing and the Chinese Lunar
Exploration Program, is a robotic sample return mission - the first such
to the Moon since Luna-24 in 1976. The mission successfully landed on
the Moon and returned its samples to Earth after a 23 day mission.
It include the first automatic rendezvous, docking and sample transfer in 
deep space.

Chang'e-5 consists of a number of components ( abbreviations are mine):

 - SM, Service module, which will perform lunar orbit insertion and transearth insertion burns.
       Chinese name: Guidao Qi (orbiter vehicle)
 - DS, descent stage (Lander), which will separate in lunar orbit, land near Mons Rumker, and obtain a surface sample.
       Chinese name: Zhuolu Qi (lander vehicle)
 - AS, Ascent stage, which will take off from the lunar surface carrying the sample and dock with
    the service module's docking adapter in lunar orbit. 
       Chinese name: Shangsheng Qi (ascent vehicle)
 - AD, Adapter, which joins the service module to the lander at launch and contains the return capsule
    and docking adapter.  Chinese name: Lianje Zhijia (connecting frame, adapter). Left in lunar orbit.
 - DA, Docking adapter, mounted on top of the return capsule. Contains a mechanism to transfer the sample
    from the ascent stage to the return capsule.  Chinese name: Jiaohui duijie jigou (rendezvous/docking mechanism)
 - RV, Return capsule, which separates from the service module and lands in China.
       Chinese name: Fanhui Qi (return vehicle)

The mission was pretty complicated, so I'll attempt to list the various stages of it
(all times UTC):
  - Nov 23 2030  Launch
  - Nov 23 2042  Earth parking orbit, attached to CZ-5 stage 2
 -  Nov 23 2058  7 minute translunar injection burn by CZ-5 stage 2, cutoff at 2105 
 -  Nov 23 2106  CE-5 separates from stage 2, stage 2 propellant dump to 22 x 291690 km orbit
 -  Nov 23 2107  Translunar coast, 201 x 392980 km x 21.3 deg
 -  Nov 24 1406  TCM-1 trajectory correction manuever
 -  Nov 25 1406  TCM-2 trajectory correction manuever
    Nov 27 0800  CZ-5 second stage reaches apogee at 291690 km
 -  Nov 27 1840  CE-5 enters lunar gravitational sphere of influence
 -  Nov 28 1258  Lunar orbit insertion burn to 216 x 5585 km x 42.4 deg elliptical orbit, burn completed 1315 UTC
 -  Nov 29 1223  Lunar orbit manuever to 217 x 217 km x 42.4 deg circular orbit
 -  Nov 29 2040  DS+AS separate from SM+AD (with DA+RV inside AD), in lunar orbit
  - Nov 30 1423  DS+AS move to low perilune orbit, 19 x 217 km
    Nov 30 1541  CZ-5 second stage reenters over 136W 4N
  - Nov 30 1822  DS+AS move to pre-descent orbit, about 19 x 67 km?
 -  Nov 30 2345? SM+AD move to low perilune orbit (77? x 217? km)
 -  Dec  1 1458  DS begins powered descent burn
 -  Dec  1 1511  DS+AS land on the Moon at about 51.9W 43.1N, in northeast Oceanus
       Procellarum, north of the Louville Omega hills.
 -  Dec  2 1946? AD is ejected from SM+RV+DA, in lunar orbit, Dec 2
 -  Dec  2 2053  DS+AS sample collection complete
 -  Dec  3 1510:21  AS takes off, leaving DS on the Moon
 -  Dec  3 1527   AS enters lunar orbit and begins rendezvous with SM+RV+DA.
 -  Dec  4?      AS rendezvous burns 2 and 3
 -  Dec  5 2142  AS docks with DA; 
    Dec  5 2212  DA transfers sample from AS to RV.
 -  Dec  6 0335  AS+DA ejected from SM+RV.
 -  Dec  7 2259  AS+DA deorbit burn
 -  Dec  7 2330  AS+DA impact lunar surface near 0E 30S
 -  Dec 12 0154  SM+RV move to elliptical lunar orbit, about 215 x 5680 km x 42 deg
 -  Dec 13 0151  SM+RV perform transearth insertion burn, 22 min duration
 -  Dec 13 0213  SM+RV TEI burn shutdown, on lunar escape hyperbola
    Dec 13 1700? SM+RV leave Lunar gravitational sphere of influence, begin trans-earth coast
    Dec 14 0313  SM course correction
    Dec 16 0115  SM course correction
 -  Dec 16 1712? RV separates from SM, 5000 km altitude
    Dec 16 1715? SM avoidance manuever (to entry or to escape?)
    Dec 16 1733  RV Earth atmosphere entry 120 km, 11.2 km/s
 -  Dec 16 1733? SM destroyed in Earth atmosphere entry, *or* performs avoidance burn and returns towards Moon?
    Dec 16 1735? RV skip perigee at 60 km
    Dec 16 1740? RV skip apogee at 120 km
    Dec 16 1749  RV second atmosphere entry over China
 -  Dec 16?      RV jettisons aeroshell, deploys parachute
    Dec 16 1759  RV lands in Siziwang Banner, Inner Mongolia, 111 26 20E 42 20 19 N
 -  2021?        AD in lunar orbit perturbed by mascons and impacts lunar surface (probably within 1 year)

I have updated GCAT to include the Chang'e-5 ascent stage (`Shangsheng Qi') launch as follows:
 - The engine is for now designated as SSQ Engine until we get a real desigation for it.
 - The launch vehicle is designated CE-5 SSQ (short for Chang'e-5 Shangsheng Qi)
 - The launch vehicle is part of the new launch family CE5SSQ             
 - I am calling the launch site Louville Omega North, and giving it the site code LOMN.
   The launch `pad' is CE-5 ZQ (short for Chang'e 5 Zhoulu Qi, CE-5 lander). 
 - The launch from the lunar surface is given the launch designation 2020-U02
 - The ascent stage is GCAT deep space catalog number D01048.
     It has launch code 2020-087 until lunar landing, and 2020-U02 afterwards.
     The entries for its launch and lunar orbit may be found in the LPRCAT event catalog.


The 16th Starlink launch (15th of the V1.0 series) on Nov 25 was also the 100th launch of a Falcon 9.
The single-burn deployment released 60 satellites in low orbit. The first stage landed on the droneship


Mitsubishi Heavy Industries launched H-2A number F43 from Tanegashima on Nov 29. The rocket carried
JAXA's `Hikari deta chukei shistemu' (Optical Data Relay System), also known as JDRS-1 (Japanese Data
Relay Satellite 1). The JAXA satellite will support civilian and intelligence users, and the launch
was carried out with more secrecy than usual. The satellite reached GEO by Dec 8 and is now on
station at 90.8E.


FalconEye-2, a French-built imaging satellite for the armed forces of the United Arab Emirates,
was launched from the Guiana Space Centre by a Soyuz ST-A on Dec 2. The satellite replaces
FalconEye-1 which was lost in the Vega VV15 failure in 2019.


Three more Gonets-M low orbit messaging satellites were launched on a
Soyuz from Plesetsk on Dec 3. A test nanosatellite for the Ministry of
Defense, ERA-1, was also carried and given the name Kosmos-2548.

Gaofen 14

China's CAST/Beijing built the Gaofen 14 satellite for  3D surveying and
mapping  to produce topographic maps and digital elevation models. Its
launch on Dec 6 was the first from Xichang to sun-sync orbit, using a
CZ-3B/G5. This was also the first launch of the G5 variant of the Chang
Zheng 3B rocket. 


China launched two GECAM satellites on Dec 9. The satellites, built by
the Shangai Engineering Center for Microsatellites, carry all-sky gamma
ray burst detectors. The aim is to detect GRBs that are associated with
gravitational wave events detected by LIGO and VIRGO. The two satellites
(GECAM A and B) have been nicknamed Xiaoji and Xiaomu.


On Dec 9 ULA launched a Delta 4 Heavy from Cape Canaveral Space Force
Station (newly renamed as of that day) carrying a payload for the US
National Reconnaissance Office. The launch was codenamed NROL-44. The
rocket's second stage made a three-burn ascent to deliver its payload
directly to geosynchronous orbit. The payload, codenamed USA 311, is
probably an ORION signals intelligence satellite.


On Dec 13 SpaceX launched the SXM-7 satellite on a Falcon 9. The B1051
first stage landed on the droneship Just Read The Instructions. The
second stage delivered the 7000 kg payload to a subsynchronous transfer
orbit. SXM-7, owned by Sirius XM, is a digital radio broadcasting
satellite and will use its onboard propellant to reach geostationary
orbit. The satellite is an LS-1300 type built by Maxar.


After a six year gap the second Angara-A5 test flight took off from
Plesetsk on Dec 14 carrying a dummy payload. The Briz-M upper stage made
several burns to geosynchronous orbit, ettisoning its DTB propellant
tank into a 379 x 36851 km x 60.0 deg orbit. It then  carried out a
simulated payload-deployment test, followed by a manuever to a 36923 x
37595 km x 0.1 deg graveyard orbit. The dummy payload was left attached
to it.  

Electron 17

RocketLab launched Electron mission 17 on Dec 15, placing a small 150 kg radar satellite (Strix-Alpha) in orbit
for the Japanese company Synspective.

Astra Rocket 3.2

Astra launched Rocket 3.2 from Kodiak on Dec 15 on another orbital
attempt with only diagnostic instrumentation and no separable payload.
For the first time the Astra rocket completed successfuly first stage
flight, first stage separation, fairing separation, and second stage
ignition. The second stage burn was about 0.5 km/s short of orbital
velocity and the vehicle fell in the Pacific after reaching an apogee of
380 km.


Six of the SpaceBEE satellites launched on Electron 16 belong to SwarmNZ, the New Zealand subsdiary
of Swarm Technologies, and will be registered as New Zealand rather than US satellites.


Japan's Hayabusa-2 asteroid mining mission has successfully returned its
quarried asteroid rock to Earth. The spacecraft entered the Earth's
gravitational sphere at 2254 UTC Dec 1 on an impact trajectory. 220,000
km from Earth at  0530 UTC Dec 5, it ejected its sample return capsule
and then in three burns at 0630, 0700 and 0730 UTC raised its perigee to
about 300 km, allowing a flyby to send it back out to solar orbit.

The sample return capsule entered the atmosphere at 1728 UTC Dec 5,
travelling at 11.6 km/s with an entry angle of -12 degrees. After entry
the backshell and aeroshell were ejected and the capsule deployed its
parachute, floating down to a safe landing at 136.15E 30.43S in the
Woomera Prohibited Area in South Australia.

The parent spacecraft will make a flyby of minor planet 2001 CC21 in 2026, and following Earth
flybys in 2027 and 2028, will rendezvous with minor planet 1998 JY26 in 2031.


 Obviously, I forgot to delete the line 'spacewalk underway..' in the last issue. 

Table of Recent Orbital Launches

Date UT       Name                           Launch Vehicle      Site            Mission  INTL.  Catalog  Perigee Apogee  Incl   Notes

Nov  5 0905   Bobcat-1)                                          ISS, LEO        Tech    98067RS S46922 414 x  414 x 51.6
              SPOC    )                                                          Imaging 98067RR S46921 414 x  414 x 51.6
Nov  5 1040   Neutron-1                                          ISS, LEO        Sci     98067RT S46923 414 x  414 x 51.6
Nov  5 1215   Djara                                              ISS, LEO        Tech    98067RW S46926 414 x  414 x 51.6
Nov  5 1315   Descent        )                                   ISS, LEO        Tech    98067RU S46924 414 x  414 x 51.6
              SAT-TLA 1      )                                                   Tech    98067RV S46925 414 x  414 x 51.6
              Lemur-4.8      )                                                   Com/Met 98067RX S46927 414 x  414 x 51.6
Nov  5 2324   GPS III SV-04                   Falcon 9           Canaveral LC40  Nav        78A S46826  402 x 20183 x 55.0
Nov  6 0318   Nusat-9  (Alice)     )          Chang Zheng 6      Taiyuan         Imaging    79B S46828  465 x   481 x 97.3
              Nusat-10 (Caroline)  )                                             Imaging    79F S46832  465 x   480 x 97.3
              Nusat-11 (Cora)      )                                             Imaging    79C S46829  465 x   480 x 97.3
              Nusat-12 (Dorothy)   )                                             Imaging    79A S46827  465 x   481 x 97.3
              Nusat-13 (Emmy)      )                                             Imaging    79G S46833  464 x   479 x 97.3
              Nusat-14 (Hedy)      )                                             Imaging    79E S46831  464 x   479 x 97.3
              Nusat-15 (Katherine) )                                             Imaging    79D S46830  464 x   479 x 97.3
              Nusat-16 (Lise)      )                                             Imaging    79P S46840  463 x   474 x 97.3
              Nusat-17 (Mary)      )                                             Imaging    79J S46835  464 x   479 x 97.3
              Nusat-18 (Vera)      )                                             Imaging    79K S46836  464 x   479 x 97.3
              Taiyuan BY70-3       )                                             Comms      79L?
              Beihang Kongshi 1    )                                             Comms      79M?
              Tianyan 05           )                                             Imaging    79N?
Nov  7 0712   Tianqi-11                       Gushenxing-1       Jiuquan         Comms      80A S46904   485 x   501 x 97.4 1330 LT
Nov  7 0941   EOS-1           )               PSLV-DL          Satish Dhawan FLP Imaging    81A S46905   568 x   576 x 36.9
              Lemur-2-Ozarak  )                                                  Com/Met    81D S46908   565 x   578 x 36.9
              Lemur-2-Jindra  )                                                  Com/Met    81E S46909   565 x   578 x 36.9
              Lemur-2-Wallace )                                                  Com/Met    81F S46910   565 x   576 x 36.9
              Lemur-2-Jeremiah)                                                  Com/Met    81G S46911   565 x   576 x 36.9
              R2              )                                                  Tech       81J S46913   562 x   576 x 36.9
              KSM-1A          )                                                  Sigint     81B?S46906?  562 x   578 x 36.9
              KSM-1B          )                                                  Sigint     81C?S46907?  562 x   578 x 36.9
              KSM-1C          )                                                  Sigint     81H?S46913?  562 x   578 x 36.9
              KSM-1D          )                                                  Sigint     81K?S46914?  562 x   578 x 36.9
Nov 12 1559   Tiantong-1 02                    Chang Zheng 3B     Xichang        Comms      82A S46917   170 x 35820 x 28.4
Nov 13 2332   USA 310                          Atlas V 531       Canaveral SLC41 Radar?     83A S46918 11033 x 11068 x 58.5
Nov 16 0027   Resilience                       Falcon 9          Kennedy LC39A   Spaceship  84A S46920   189 x   208 x 51.6
Nov 17 0152   SEOSAT-Ingenio)                  Vega              CSG             Imaging    U01 F01574  -500? x  250?x 98.5 1030 LT
              Taranis       )                                                    Science    U01 F01575  -500? x  250?x 98.5 
Nov 18?       AC-10a Probe 04                                  AC-10a, LEO       Science 19-22N S46928   469  x  482 x 51.6
Nov 20 0220   Augury                      )    Electron          Mahia LC1       Tech       85AB S46954  495 x  515 x 97.4  1440 LT
              Alchemy                     )                                      Tech       85AC S46955  495 x  515 x 97.4
              BRO-2                       )                                      Sigint     85
              BRO-3                       )                                      Sigint     85
              Te Waka Amiorangi o Aotearoa)                                      Sci        85
              CORVUS BC-5                 )                                      Met-RO     85C  S46931  492 x  512 x 97.4
              SpaceBEE 22                 )                                      Comms      85AA S46953  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE 24                 )                                      Comms      85Z  S46952  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE 25                 )                                      Comms      85Y  S46951  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE 27                 )                                      Comms      85X  S46950  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE 28                 )                                      Comms      85V  S46948  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE 29                 )                                      Comms      85W  S46949  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE 30                 )                                      Comms      85T  S46946  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE 31                 )                                      Comms      85U  S46947  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE 32                 )                                      Comms      85S  S46945  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE 33                 )                                      Comms      85R  S46944  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE 34                 )                                      Comms      85E  S46933  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE 35                 )                                      Comms      85F  S46934  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE 36                 )                                      Comms      85G  S46935  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE 37                 )                                      Comms      85H  S46936  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE 38                 )                                      Comms      85J  S46937  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE NZ-1               )                                      Comms      85AG S46959  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE NZ-2               )                                      Comms      85AE S46957  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE NZ-3               )                                      Comms      85K  S46938  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE NZ-4               )                                      Comms      85L  S46939  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE NZ-5               )                                      Comms      85N  S46941  492 x 513  x 97.4
              SpaceBEE NZ-6               )                                      Comms      85P  S46942  492 x 513  x 97.4
Nov 21 1717   Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich      Falcon 9          Vandenberg SLC4E Oceanog.  86A S46984  1308  x 1327 x 66.0
Nov 23 2030   Chang'e 5                        Chang Zheng 5     Wenchang LC101 Lunar probe 87A S47097   201 x 392980 x 21.3
Nov 25 0213   Starlink 1777     )              Falcon 9          Canaveral SLC40 Comms      88A S47121   212 x  365 x 53.0
              Starlink 1779     )
              Starlink 1785     )
              Starlink 1787     )
              Starlink 1812     )
              Starlink 1736-1840)
              Starlink 1842-1846)
              Starlink 1849-1850)
              Starlink 1852-1864)
              Starlink 1866-1871)
              Starlink 1873-1881)
              Starlink 1884-1891)
              Starlink 1895     )
              Starlink 1900     )
              Starlink 1907     )
              Starlink 1912-1914)
              Starlink 1927     )
Nov 29 0725   DRS-1/ODRS                        H-IIA 202         Tanegashima      Comms   89A  S47202   255 x 35796 x 28.4
Dec  2 0133   FalconEye 2                       Soyuz ST-A        CSG ELS          Imaging 90A  S47226   597 x   599 x 97.9  1030 LT
Dec  3 0114   Gonets-M No. 30)                  Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat Plesetsk LC43/4  Comms   91A  S47227  1486 x  1506 x 82.5
              Gonets-M No. 31)                                                     Comms   91B  S47228  1487 x  1506 x 82.5
              Gonets-M No. 32)                                                     Comms   91C  S47229  1484 x  1505 x 82.5
              Kosmos-2548    )                                                     Tech    91D? S47230  1481 x  1508 x 82.5
Dec  3 1510   Chang'e-5 Shangsheng Qi                    Louville Omega North, Luna Probe  U02  D1048  Lunar orbit
Dec  6 0358   Gaofen 14                         Chang Zheng 3B/G5  Xichang         Imaging 92A  S47231   485 x   509 x 97.4  1030 LT
Dec  6 1617   Dragon CRS-21                     Falcon 9           Kennedy LC39A   Cargo   93A  S47233   192 x   211 x 51.7
Dec  9 2014   Xiaoji )                          Chang Zheng 11     Xichang         Astron  94A  S47234   588 x   604 x 29.0
              Xiaomu )                                                             Astron  94B  S47235   587 x   604 x 29.0
Dec 11 0109   USA 311                           Delta 4 Heavy      Canaveral SLC37B Sigint 95A  S47237 35800?x 35800?x  0
Dec 13 1730   SXM-7                             Falcon 9           Canaveral SLC40 Comms   96A  S47240   234 x 19380 x 27.0
Dec 14 0550   GVM                               Angara A5          Plesetsk LC35/1 Tech    97A  S47242 36923 x 37594 x  0.1
Dec 15 1009   Strix-Alpha                       Electron           Mahia LC1A      Radar   98A  S47253   489 x   511 x 97.4
Dec 15 2055   Astra Test Payload                Astra Rocket 3.2   Kodiak LP3B     Test    F09  F01577 -1100 x   380 x 98.1

Table of Recent Suborbital Launches

The US DoD reports a Russian direct-ascent antisatellite (ASAT) test on Dec 16. I understand
the missile was not tested against a target satellite; at most just a `point in space' target.
NOTAMs suggest launch was between 0100 and 0600 UTC. Unclear what the apogee was, but possibly
a few hundred km.

Date UT       Payload/Flt Name Launch Vehicle      Site                  Mission    Apogee/km    Target

Oct  1        Black Dagger      Boosted Zombie     Fort Wingate?         Target        100?      White Sands
Oct  3 0640   RV                Shaurya            Chandipur IC4         Test          300?      Bay of Bengal
Oct 13 1336   NS-13             New Shepard        W Texas               Test          106       W Texas
Oct 26?       SR 0.1-1          SR-0.1             Sinop, Turkey         Test          130?      Black Sea
Oct 29 0727   GT236GM           Minuteman 3        Vandenberg LF09       Op. Test     1300?      Kwajalein
Oct 29?       SR 0.1-2          SR-0.1             Sinop, Turkey         Test          130?      Black Sea
Nov  2 1040   DEUCE 3           Black Brant IX     White Sands           UV Astron     285       White Sands
Nov 17 0550   FTM-44 Target     ICBM-T2?           Meck, Kwajalein       Target       1000?      Pacific (intercepted)
Nov 17 0605?  FTM-44 KV         SM-3 Block IIA    DDG-18, Pacific        Interceptor   200?      FTM-44 interception
Dec  9        RV                Yars               Plesetsk              Op. Test     1000?      Kura
Dec  9        RV x 4?           Sineva            K-18, Barents Sea      Op. Test     1000?      Kura?
Dec 16        Nudol KV?         Nudol'             Plesetsk              ASAT test     300?      Laptev Sea

|  Jonathan McDowell                 |                                    |
|  Somerville MA 02143               |  inter : planet4589 at gmail       |
|  USA                               |  twitter: @planet4589              |
|                                                                         |
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