[JSR] Jonathan's Space Report, No. 834

Jonathan McDowell jcm at planet4589.com
Sat Jun 22 22:38:16 EDT 2024

Jonathan's Space Report
No. 834                                                          2024 Jun 23   Somerville, MA

International Space Station

Expedition 71 continues. Crew are Oleg Kononenko, Nikolai Chub, Matthew
Dominick, Michael Barratt, Jeanette Epps, Aleksandr Grebyonkin, Tracy
Dyson, and visiting Starliner crew Barry Wilmore and Sunita Williams.

On May 24 at 1416 and 2303 UTC the Cygnus NG-20 cargo ship made engine
firings to reboost the ISS orbit. Each burn had a delta-V of around 1.1 m,/s.

The Progress MS-25 cargo ship undocked from Poisk at 0839 UTC May 28 and was
deorbited over the Pacific at 1229 UTC May 28.

The Progress MS-27 cargo ship was launched on May 30 and docked with the Poisk
module at 1142:13 UTC Jun 1.

On May 30 Dextre removed the STP-H5 experiment package from the ISS ELC-3 platform
and fixed it to the exterior of the Cygnus NG-20 cargo ship for disposal.

On May 24 at 1416 and 2303 UTC Cygnus NG-20 fired its engines in two
burns to raise the station's orbit. Each burn was about 1.1 m/s.

On Jun 5 Boeing's Starliner Crew Flight Test mission was launched on
Atlas AV-085 from Canaveral, placing the CST-100 capsule SC3 Calypso in
orbit carrying Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams, an all-civilian crew
(both are NASA astronauts and retired Navy Captains). Calypso docked
with ISS IDA-2 at 1734 UTC Jun 6. The Calypso stay at ISS has been extended
while controllers check out and debug the spacecraft.

On Jun  7 at 1519 UTC Cygnus NG-20 fired its engines for an 18 min burn to reboost the ISS orbit.

On Jun 15 at 0440 UTC Progress MS-27 fired its engines for a 23 min burn to boost the ISS orbit;
delta-V was 2.0 m/s.


  Dragon CRS-30 undocked from IDA-3 at 1710 UTC Apr 28, not 0043 UTC on
Apr 30 (the latter was the Shenzhou 17 undocking time, I read the wrong
line in my database when preparing the previous issue!)

Chinese Space Station

Ye Guangfu, Li Guangsu and Li Cong continue CSS expedition 7.

Ye Guangfu and Li Guangsu made an 8 hr 23 m spacewalk (hatch open to
close) on May 28 from the Wentian module, from  0235 UTC to 1058 UTC.
They installed some debris protection material on the station exterior.
The red and blue Feitian spacesuits were used.

On May 30 to May 31 the Chinese station made four reboost burns
with a total of around 6.9 m/s, raising its orbit by 13 km.
The Tianzhou-7 freighter probably made the burns.


On May 22 SpaceX launched the NROL-146 mission for the US National
Reconnaissance Office. The mission is suspected to have placed a batch
of 21 Starshield imaging satellites in orbit. The satellites are
probably based on the Starlink V2Mini bus, with Northrop Grumman imaging
sensors aboard.


Starlink Group 6-62 (23 sats) was launched from Canaveral on May 23.
Starlink Group 6-63 (23 sats) was launched from Kennedy on May 24.
Starlink Group 6-60 (23 sats) was launched from Canaveral on May 28.
Starlink Group 6-64 (23 sats) was launched from Canaveral on Jun  1.
Starlink Group 8-5 (20 sats) was launched from Canaveral on Jun  5.
Starlink Group 10-1 (22 sats) was launched from Canaveral on Jun  8.
Starlink Group 8-8 (20 sats) was launched from Vandenberg on Jun  8.
Starlink Group 9-1 (20 sats) was launched from Vandenberg on Jun  19.


RocketLab launched an Electron with JPL's 6U cubesat PREFIRE 1 to a 20:03 LTDN
sun-synchronous orbit on May 25. PREFIRE carries a mid-infrared (3 to 54 microns)
imaging spectrometer to study heat loss from the Earth's poles.

Another Electron carried PREFIRE 2 to orbit on Jun 5 to a 15:36 LTDN SSO.

North Korean launch

North Korea launched the fourth Manligyeong-1 spy satellite on May 27,
targeting an 0950 LTDN SSO, but the first stage of the 
launch vehicle appears to have exploded early in flight. I am
designating the failed launch as 2024-F02.

The launch vehicle is reported to have a new kerolox engine, instead
of the N2O4/UDMH engine of the Cheonlima-1. It's not clear at this point
whether the rest of the vehicle is based on Cheonlima-1 or if it's
an entirely different design.


The European Space Agency's 2200 kg EarthCARE satellite was launched by
Falcon 9 from Vandenberg on May 29 to a 1405 LTDN SSO. The satellite
carries a lidar, imagers and a JAXA (Japan) cloud profile W-band radar.

Xinghe Dongli launches

On May 29 four more Tianqi IoT satellites were launched on a Xinghe
Dongli (Galactic Energy) Gushenxing-1S from the Dongfeng Hangtiangang
barge at location 119.6E 35.4N near Rizhou to a 45 deg orbit.

On May 30 a Gushenxing-1 was launched from Jiuquan carrying two
Jiguang Xingzuo lasercom test satellites and three Yunyao-1
meteorology satellites with GNSS-RO and IR imager payloads.

On Jun 6  a Gushenxing-1 was launched from Jiuquan carrying the TEE-01B
imaging satellite for Mumei Xingkong Keji and two Tsinghua University
Naxing-3 satellites with optical navigation experiments. Attached to the
GSX-1 fourth stage was an experiment platform called Ai Shen, carrying
an experimental thruster.

CALT launches

In 2018 Pakistan's SUPARCO leased the Asiasat 4 satellite from Asiasat and relocated it at 38.2E,
calling it Paksat-MM1. The lease ended in 2022. 

A new, second, Paksat-MM1 satellite was built by CAST/Beijing and has a mass of 5400 kg.
It has C, Ku, Ka and L-band comms payloads.
CALT launched a Chang Zheng 3B from Xichang on May 30 carrying this second Paksat-MM1 communications
satellite to geotransfer orbit. It will use the old Paksat-MM1 position at 38.2E.

Zhihui Tianwang 1-01A and 1-01B, launched on May 9, have been cataloged in a 20166 x 20192 km x 53.1 deg orbit.

On Jun 22, CALT launched the China-France astronomical satellite SVOM, with a payload
to study gamma ray bursts.


The Chang'e-6 lander (and attached ascent stage) separated from the
orbiter on May 30, and began powered descent on Jun 1 at 2209 UTC. It
landed in the South Pole-Aitken basin at 2223 UTC Jun 1. Target location
was 154.4W 42.1S; based on images on Chinese TV, Seger Yu on twitter
estimates the actual location as 153.99W 41.64S.

On Jun 2 to 3 the Chang'e-6 collected lunar samples and placed them on the ascent stage.
The lander ejected a `mobile camera' (`yidong xiangji') micro-rover, which took a picture
of the lander. On Jun 3 at 2338 UTC the ascent stage took off, reaching a 15 x 180 km lunar
orbit 6 minutes later. It docked with the orbiter at 0648 UTC Jun 6 and transfer its
samples to the return craft. The Ascent stage the undocked and was deorbited, probably
on Jun  8.

On Jun 20 at about 1538 UTC the orbiter fired its engine for the lunar escape burn;
it departed the lunar gravitational sphere of influence around 0923 UTC Jun 21
and is now on a 62 x 385538 km x 41.9 deg Earth orbit heading for entry on Jun 27.


On Jun 20 Rocket Lab launched five 28 kg IoT communications satellites for the Toulouse-based company Kineis
to a 0636 LTDN sun-synch orbit.

Astra 1P

SpaceX launched the Astra 1P communications satellite for SES on Jun 20 to a supersync transfer orbit.
Astra 1P is a 5000 kg Thales Alenia Spacebus NEO200 satellite with a Ku-band
communications payload. It is als called SES-24.


Starship flight test 4 on Jun 6 saw a successful Booster controlled
splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico; Ship 29 completed its burn and entered
marginal-orbit trajectory of around -15 x 213 km x 26.8 deg, with impact
in the eastern Indian Ocean, NW of Australia. Despite major thermal
erosion to the flaps, Ship 29 survived reentry and reignited its engines
just above the ocean to achieve a controlled ocean splashdown.

Table of Recent Orbital Launches

Date UT       Name			     Launch Vehicle	 Site		 Mission  INTL.  Catalog  Perigee Apogee  Incl	 Notes
May 13 0053   Starlink Group 6-58               Falcon 9                Canaveral LC40     Comms    90   284 x 292 x 43.0
May 14 1839   Starlink Group 8-7                Falcon 9                Vandenberg SLC4E   Comms    91   284 x 296 x 53.2
May 16 2121   Kosmos-2576                       Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat       Plesetsk LC43/4    Imaging  92A  435 x 451 x 97.3
              SITRO-AIS-53                                                                 Comms    92   535 x 552 x 97.6
              SITRO-AIS-54                                                                 Comms    92   535 x 552 x 97.6
              SITRO-AIS-55                                                                 Comms    92   535 x 552 x 97.6
              SITRO-AIS-56                                                                 Comms    92   535 x 552 x 97.6
              Zorkiy-2M No. 4                                                              Imaging  92   535 x 552 x 97.6
              Zorkiy-2M No. 6                                                              Imaging  92   535 x 552 x 97.6
              Rassvet-2 No. 1                                                              Comms    92   793 x 797 x 98.6
              Rassvet-2 No. 2                                                              Comms    92   793 x 797 x 98.6
              Rassvet-2 No. 3                                                              Comms    92   793 x 797 x 98.6
May 18 0032   Starlink Group 6-59               Falcon 9                Canaveral LC40     Comms    93   284 x 292 x 43.0
May 20 0306   Beijing-3C 01                     Chang Zheng 2D          Taiyuan            Imaging  94   489 x 503 x 97.5
              Beijing-3C 02                                                                Imaging  94
              Beijing-3C 03                                                                Imaging  94
              Beijing-3C 04                                                                Imaging  94
May 21 0415   Wuhan-1                           Kuaizhou-11             Jiuquan            Imaging  95   525 x 538 x 97.6
              Chutian xingzuo 001                                                          Tech     95
              Tianyan-22                                                                   Imaging? 95
              Lingque-3 01                                                                 Tech     95
May 22 0800   USA 354 to USA 374?               Falcon 9                Vandenberg SLC4E   Imaging  96   350? x 350? x 70?
May 23 0235   Starlink Group 6-62               Falcon 9                Canaveral LC40     Comms    97   284 x 292 x 43.0
May 24 0245   Starlink Group 6-63               Falcon 9                Kennedy LC39A      Comms    98   284 x 292 x 43.0
May 25 0741   PREFIRE 1                         Electron                Mahia 1B           Sci      99A  524 x 541 x 97.5
May 27 1344   Manligyeong-1-1                   NK Kerolox LV           Sohae              Imaging  F02 -6300 x 10? x 97?
May 28 1424   Starlink Group 6-60               Falcon 9                Canaveral LC40     Comms    100  284 x 292 x 43.0
May 28 2220   EarthCARE                         Falcon 9                Vandenberg SLC4E   Sci      101A 399 x 404 x 97.0
May 29 0812   Tianqi-25                         Gushenxing-1S          DFHT, Yellow Sea    Comms    102A 837 x 852 x 45.0
              Tianqi-26                                                                    Comms    102B
              Tianqi-27                                                                    Comms    102C
              Tianqi-28                                                                    Comms    102D
May 30 0943   Progress MS-27                    Soyuz-2-1a              Baykonur LC31      Cargo    103A 187 x 225 x 51.7
May 30 1212   Paksat-MM1                        Chang Zheng 3B          Xichang LC2        Comms    104A 218 x 35761 x 26.8
May 30 2339   Jiguang Xingzuo 001               Gushenxing-1            Jiuquan            Comms    105A 529 x 548 x 97.6
              Jiguang Xingzuo 002                                                          Comms    105B
              Yunyao-1 14                                                                  Meteo    105C
              Yunyao-1 25                                                                  Meteo    105D
              Yunyao-1 26                                                                  Meteo    105E
Jun  1 0237   Starlink Group 6-64               Falcon 9                Canaveral LC40     Comms    106  284 x 292 x 43.0
Jun  5 0216   Starlink Group 8-5                Falcon 9                Canaveral LC40     Comms    107  272 x 286 x 53.2
Jun  5 0315   PREFIRE 2                         Electron                Mahia 1B           Sci      108A 523 x 538 x 97.5
Jun  5 1452   Starliner CFT 'Calypso'           Atlas V N22             Canaveral LC41   Spaceship  109A 319 x 329 x 51.6
Jun  6 0500   TEE-01B                           Gushenxing-1            Jiuquan            Imaging  110A 540 x 556 x 97.6
              Naxing-3A                                                                    Imaging  110B
              Naxing-3B                                                                    Imaging  110C
              Ai Shen                                                                      Tech     110D
Jun  6 1250   Starship FT4                      Starship                Starbase           Test     U03  -15 x 213 x 26.8
Jun  8 0156   Starlink Group 10-1               Falcon 9                Canaveral LC40     Comms    111  265 x 278 x 53.2
Jun  8 1258   Starlink Group 8-8                Falcon 9                Vandenberg SLC4E   Comms    112  279 x 289 x 53.2
Jun 19 0340   Starlink Group 9-1                Falcon 9                Vandenberg SLC4E   Comms    113  284 x 295 x 53.2
Jun 20 1813   Kineis 1                          Electron                Mahia 1B           Comms    114 637 x 640 x 98.0
              Kineis 2                                                                     Comms    114
              Kineis 3                                                                     Comms    114
              Kineis 4                                                                     Comms    114
              Kineis 5                                                                     Comms    114
Jun 20 2135   Astra 1P                          Falcon 9                Canaveral LC40     Comms    115A 334 x 53369 x 27.9
Jun 22 0700   SVOM                              Chang Zheng 2C          Xichang            Astron   116A 626 x 632 x 29.0

Table of Recent Suborbital Launches 

Galactic 07, the final flight of Virgin Galactic's Spaceship Two VSS Unity, was carried out on Jun 8
from Spaceport America, New Mexico.
The White Knight Two carrier plane took off at 1430 UTC and dropped Unity at 1526:30 UTC. Unity's
rocket motor fired to send the ship to an 87.5 km apogee; it landed back on the Spaceport America runway
at about 1541 UTC.  Commander and copilot were Nicola Pecile and Jameel Janjua; passengers were
Tuva Cihangir Atasever,  Anand Sadhwani, I.I. Pergament and Giorgio Manenti.

Date UT       Payload           Rocket              Site                 Mission       Apogee    Target

May  5 0332   CIBER-2 F3        Black Brant 9       White Sands          IR Astron      300?     White Sands
May 19 1435   NS-25             New Shepard         West Texas           Tourist flight 107      West Texas
Jun  4 0756   GT249             Minuteman 3         Vandenberg LF10      Op Test       1300?     Kwajalein
Jun  6 0846   GT250             Minuteman 3         Vandenberg LF09      Op Test       1300?     Kwajalein
Jun  8 1526   Galactic 07       Spaceship Two       Spaceport America EBR3 Spaceship     87      Spaceport America
Jun 12        HTB-1             T.T. Oriole         Wallops I.           Hypersonic     300?     Atlantic Ocean
Jun 18 0701   Mk 21A RV         Minotaur I          Vandenberg           Test          1000?     Pacific

|  Jonathan McDowell                 |                                    |
|  Somerville MA 02143               |  inter : planet4589 at gmail       |
|  USA                               |  twitter: @planet4589              |
|                                                                         |
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