Unregistered Satellites Hall of Shame

Adherence to the 1976 Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space

by Jonathan McDowell

Somerville, MA., USA, 1994 Dec 23

Second edition: Revised 1995 Sep 24

Third edition: Revised 1997 Apr 21

Fourth edition: Revised 1998 Aug 21

Fifth edition: Revised 1999 May 11

Sixth edition: Revised 2000 Feb

Seventh edition: Revised 2001 May 19

Eighth edition: Revised 2002 Apr 1

Ninth edition: Revised 2003 Jun 6

Tenth edition: Revised 2004 Jul 17

Eleventh edition: Revised 2007 Jul 15

Twelfth edition: Revised 2009 May 7

Thirteenth edition: Extensively revised 2011 Dec 20

(with minor edits 2012 Feb 14)

Fourteenth edition: Revised 2013 May 12

Fifteenth edition: Revised 2014 Jun 20

Unregistered Satellites


In 1962, UN Resolution 1721B (XVI) required member States of the UN to register objects launched into space. This was a move to reduce tensions and alleviate the fear that the US or the USSR would place weapons in orbit. The resolution was complemented in 1976 when the UN drew up the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space.

Registration documents submitted to the United Nations under the provisions of UN Resolution 1721B (XVI) and article IV of the 1976 Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space are published as two series of United Nations documents (UNO 1962, UNO 1977), which are not widely available and in which the information is scattered and hard to find. In the 1990s I (McDowell 1994, with revisions through 2011, http://planet4589.org/space/un/un.html) compiled an edited version of the information in the Registration documents which corrects the above mentioned errors and arranges the information in a systematic way, carefully distinguishing between information included in the registrations and information gained from other sources. Since then, the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs has generated a public database which addresses a similar need ( http://www.oosa.unvienna.org/oosa/en/SORegister/index.html)

Since 1962, most space payloads have been duly registered with the UN. (The USSR retrospectively registered its pre-1962 payloads, while the US did not.) However, a number have not been registered, in violation of Resolution 1721B. Here (Table 1) I summarize the situation for launches for the period from the beginning of 1980 to the end of 2011 using the data from my edited version of the Registry, which covers documents published up to late 2011 (ST/SG/SER.E/629 and A/AC.105/INF.421).

Complications - which launching state?

Things are confusing for payloads launched by one state on behalf of another. The legal language of "launching state" is defined in Article I of the Convention as either "(i) A State which launches or procures the launching of a space object;" or "(ii) A State from whose territory or facility a space object is launched". Usually and traditionally it has been the payload owner country, not the launching state country, which does the registration. The United States occasionally registers payloads which it launched but which belong to another country, but this is not done in any systematic way. In these cases I have considered the payload to be a United States payload unless it was subsequently re-registered by another state. 10 of the French payloads belonged to ESRO, and several to EUTELSAT. Until 1981 the USA registered all INTELSAT payloads, since INTELSAT has its headquarters in the USA. Since 1981, it has omitted all these payloads. It can be seen that almost 10 percent of US payloads since 1980 are unregistered. China also has a bad record, since it only began registering launches a few years ago. Japan has a good score but it recently missed a few launches. Since the first edition, Canada and France registered all of their missing satellites; this began an overall improvement in compliance, as Spain and Korea registered their outstanding satellites in 1996 and other countries followed. Germany has also registered some of its outstanding satellites but not others (it's also a bit odd that the second CRISTA-SPAS flight was registered by the USA and not Germany). The US has registered a few of the Space Shuttle flights it forgot earlier, but a couple of classified satellites remain unacknowledged, and some of its registered satellites did not include orbital data, or included orbital data which were manifestly spurious, in violation of Article IV of the Convention.

There are a number of difficult and arguable cases. I recently discovered that the UN and the European Center for Space Law have indeed discussed this issue, see these links.

The tradition that "launching state" is to be interpreted as "owner state" is now being challenged by some states. Although The UK has acknowledged (ST/SG/SER.E/417) the existence of the Inmarsat satellites, but denies it is the 'launching state' or 'state of registry' for the purposes of the convention, despite the fact that it obviously should be. Since it was doing the ITU filings for Intelsat (Bermuda) Ltd., it should be doing the UN filings for them too. INMARSAT was an intergovernmental organization at the time but unlike ESA did not establish its own registry. In earlier cases, registrations for intergovernmental organizations were carried out by their headquarters host state until a specific registry was established.

Similarly (A/AC.105/806), the Netherlands has denied `state of registry' responsibility for satellites owned by the New Skies company located in that country. Although the documents in question don't spell out who they think should register those satellites, the implication seems to be that it should be the state which carries out the launch services (itself potentially rather unclear to define - e.g. in the case of Sea Launch missions).

Giving credence to these objections, I have reassigned those specific satellites to the states which did actually launch them (on the grounds that if they didn't want responsibility they should have made sure someone else did). I note that Article II says "Where there are two or more launching States in respect of any such space object, they shall jointly determine which one of them shall register the object". This is apparently being ignored. Further, Article VII says that states which are members of intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) are meant to make sure that the IGO sets up its own registry with the UN. This Article was also ignored in the cases of Intelsat and Inmarsat.

The state most affected by this change is France, which registers Ariane launches. Several NSS and Inmarsat satellites spurned by the Netherlands and the UK were launched on Ariane, but were (naturally) omitted from the very comprehensive French filings. I'm adding them to the list of unregistered French satellites, but I welcome suggestions for a more appropriate assignment consistent with Articles I, II and VII.

Complications - what is a satellite?

Some states register all their space objects, while others register only `payloads' - objects which perform a useful function, as opposed to empty rocket stages and space debris. In principle it would be nice if everyone registered all objects, since the purpose of the convention is to prevent hiding of payloads, which could be done by concealing them as apparently nonfunctional craft. However for the time being I am only including in this report objects thought to be payloads.

Even here there is, of course, ambiguity. Of the circa 6500 satellites considered here, 52 are special cases in this respect:

The table of shame (and confusion)

In Table 2 I list all the satellites launched since 1962 which have not been registered with the UN, together with the name of the UN member state which I believe should now register them. In most cases the failure to register was due to adminstrative oversight, or confusion as to which state should be the registrant, and it is to be hoped that the states in question will retrospectively register the satellites in Table 2. The states with the most unregistered satellites launched prior to 2010 Dec 31 are the USA, the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom. Bravo to the Federal Republic of Germany, which was also mentioned as a major offender in the early editions of this list but is now one of the states most in compliance.

Satellites launched in 2011 are tabulated separately; since the diplomatic world has apparently not yet entered the age of instant communication and still grinds slowly, we can't consider the 2011 satellites to be delinquent yet.

I welcome comments and criticisms; please contact me at planet4589@gmail.com

Table 1: Registered and unregistered satellite launches.

Code  Launching State		Number of payloads
                                       1957-2010                2011       1957-2011 
                                        registered           registered    registered
                                          yes   no  total     yes  no      yes   no  total 
SU    Soviet Union                        2732  22  2754        0  0       2732  22 2754
US    United States of America            2031  88  2119       28  1       2059  89 2148
RU    Russian Federation                   575   8   583       15  8        590  16  606
CN    The People's Republic of China       145  24   169       19  0        164  24  188  
J     Japan                                151   6   157        4  0        155   6  161  
F     France                               105   5   110       17  2        123   6  129
UK    United Kingdom                        48   4    52        0  1         48   5   53
IN    India                                 52   0    52        7  0         59   0   59 
I-ESA European Space Agency                 51   3    54        0  3         51   6   57 
D     Federal Republic of Germany           46   9    55        0  0         46   9   55
CA    Canada                                29   2    31        0  0         29   2   31
I     Italy                                 18   7    25        1  0         19   7   26
SA    Saudi Arabia                          12  11    23        0  1         12  12   24 
L     Luxembourg                            16   1    17        2  0         18   1   19
IL    Israel                                 2  11    13        0  1          2  12   14
BR    Brazil                                12   2    14        1  0         13   2   15
AU    Australia                             12   1    13        0  0         12   1   13 
S     Sweden                                12   0    12        0  0         12   0   12 
KR    Korea                                 12   0    12        0  0         12   0   12
E     Spain                                  9   3    12        0  0          9   3   12
ID    Indonesia                              5   7    12        0  0          5   7   12
MX    The United Mexican States              7   0     7        1  0          8   0    8
AR    Argentina                              5   2     7        0  1          5   3    8 
TW    Republic of China                      0   8     8        0  0          0   8    8
TR    Turkey                                 5   1     6        1  0          6   1    7
T     Thailand                               1   6     7        0  0          1   6    7
CZ    Czechoslovakia/Czech R                 6   0     6        0  0          6   0    6 
MY    Malaysia                               6   0     6        0  0          6   0    6
UA    Ukraine                                3   1     4        1  1          4   2    6
N     Norway                                 0   6     6        0  0          0   6    6
UAE   United Arab Emirates                   4   0     4        1  0          5   0    5 
I-EUM Eumetsat                               4   0     4        0  0          4   0    4 
DK    Denmark                                1   3     4        0  0          1   3    4
EG    Egypt                                  1   3     4        0  0          1   3    4
CL    Chile                                  2   0     2        1  0          3   0    3
PK    Pakistan                               1   1     2        1  0          2   1    3 
NG    Nigeria                                1   0     1        0  2          1   2    3
IR    Iran                                   0   2     2        0  1          0   3    3
SG    Singapore                              0   1     1        0  2          0   3    3
MU    Mauritius                              0   2     2        0  1          0   3    3
DZ    Algeria                                2   0     2        0  0          2   0    2
KZ    Kazakhstan                             1   0     1        1  0          2   0    2
NL    The Netherlands                        0   2     2        0  0          0   2    2
ZA    South Africa                           2   0     2        0  0          2   0    2
CH    Swiss Confederation                    0   2     2        0  0          0   2    2
PH    Phillipines                            1   0     1        0  0          1   0    1
GR    Greece                                 1   0     1        0  0          1   0    1
VE    Venezuela                              1   0     1        0  0          1   0    1
P     Portugal                               0   1     1        0  0          0   1    1
MA    Morocco                                0   1     1        0  0          0   1    1
CO    Colombia                               0   1     1        0  0          0   1    1
VN    Vietnam                                0   1     1        0  0          0   1    1
PL    Poland                                 0   0     0        0  0          0   0    0
BY    Belarus                                0   0     0        0  0          0   0    0
AZ    Azerbaijan
AT    Austria
 Tot 6516

Table 2: Unregistered Earth Satellites and Space Probes 1962-2010 (a) Argentina
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Argentina    1990-05G          LUSAT                  1990 Jan 22
Argentina    2007-01D          Peheuensat 1           2007 Jan 10
(b) Australia
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Australia    1992-90A          Optus B2               1992 Dec 21
[Note added 1995 Jan 27: this satellite was destroyed on launch, but
some debris reached orbit, including the US-built Star 63F perigee
kick motor. Possibly this object should have been registered by the US.]

(c) Brazil
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Brazil       1990-05E          DOVE                   1990 Jan 22
Brazil       1998-60A          SCD-2                  1998 Oct 23

(d) Canada
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation
Canada       2009-09A           Telstar 11N           2009 Feb 26  
Canada       2009-50A           Nimiq 5               2009 Sep 17

(e) China, People's Republic
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

China          1975-70A          JSSW                   1975 Jul 26
China          1975-119A         JSSW                   1975 Dec 16
China          1976-87A          JSSW                   1976 Aug 30
China          1981-93A          Shi Jian 2             1981 Sep 19
China          1981-93B          Shi Jian 2A            1981 Sep 19
China          1981-93C          Shi Jian 2B            1981 Sep 19
China          1990-59B          Dummy satellite        1990 Jul 16
China          1990-81B          Atmosphere 1           1990 Sep  3
China          1990-81C          Atmosphere 2           1990 Sep  3
China          1994-10B          Kua Fu                 1994 Feb  8
China          1998-33A          Zhongwei 1             1998 May 30
China          1999-61E          Orbit module           1999 Nov 19
China          2001-01C          Orbit module           2001 Jan  9
China          2002-14C          Orbit module           2002 Mar 25
China          2002-61C          Orbit module           2002 Dec 29
China          2003-45G          Orbit module           2003 Oct 15
China          2004-12B          Naxing 1               2004 Apr 18
China          2006-35A          SJ-8                   2006 Sep  9
China          2007-19           Zheda Pixing           2007 May 25
China          2008-47G          BX-1                   2008 Sep 25
China          2008-47H          SZ-7 OM                2008 Sep 25
China          2010-09B          YG 9 SS                2010 Mar  5
China          2010-09C          YG 9 SS                2010 Mar  5

(f) European Space Agency
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

ESA          1993-73B          Meteosat 6             1993 Nov 20
ESA          1997-61           Huygens                1997 Oct 15
ESA          1997-66C          YES                    1997 Oct 30
(f) Colombia
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Colombia     2007-12M          Libertad               2007 Apr 17
(h) France

FRANCE       1991-84B          Inmarsat II F3         1991 Dec 16   (Denied by UK)
FRANCE       1992-21B          Inmarsat II F4         1992 Apr 15   (Denied by UK)
FRANCE       1997-27A          Inmarsat III F4        1997 Jun  4   (Denied by UK)
FRANCE       1998-06B          Inmarsat III F5        1998 Feb  4   (Denied by UK)
France       2002-19A          NSS 7                  2002 Apr 16  (denied by Netherlands)
France       2002-57A          NSS 6                  2002 Dec 17  (denied by Netherlands)

(h) Germany, Federal Republic of
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Germany      1970-17A          WIKA                   1970 Mar 10  
Germany      1988-51B          Amsat-Oscar-13         1988 Jun 15
Germany      -                 EXPRESS                1995 Jan 15
Germany      2000-39C          RUBIN                  2000 Jul 15
Germany      2002-54C          RUBIN-3-DSI            2002 Nov 28
Germany      2003-42B          RUBIN-4-DSI            2003 Sep 27
Germany      2007-53B          RUBIN-7-AIS            2007 Nov  1
Germany      2008-21K          RUBIN-8                2008 Apr 28
Germany      2009-51F          RUBIN-9.1/RUBIN-9.2    2009 Sep 23

Note: EXPRESS was not given an international designation, but
made several orbits of the Earth before landing in Ghana.
It was launched by Japan but Germany's DLR led the project and,
I believe, owned the satellite (I erroneously had this in the
Japanese list in previous editions.) The requirement to register with the
UN is independent of the existence of an international designation.

(i) Indonesia
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Indonesia    1983-59C          Palapa B1              1983 Jun 18
Indonesia    1984-11D          Palapa B2              1984 Feb  3
Indonesia    1987-29A          Palapa B2P             1987 Mar 20
Indonesia    1992-27A          Palapa B4              1992 May 14
Indonesia    1996-06A          Palapa C1              1996 Feb  1
Indonesia    2007-01A          LAPAN-TUBSAT           2007 Jan 10
(j) Israel
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Israel       1990-27A          Offeq-2                1990 Apr  3
Israel       1996-30B          Amos 1                 1996 May 16
Israel       1998-43D          Techsat                1998 Jul 10
Israel       2000-79A          EROS A1                2000 Dec  5
Israel       2002-25A          Offeq-5                2002 May 28
Israel       2003-59A          Amos 2                 2003 Dec 27
Israel       2006-14A          EROS B                 2006 Apr 25
Israel       2007-25A          Ofeq 7                 2007 Jun 10
(k) Italy
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Italy        1988-26A          San Marco 5            1988 Mar 25
Italy        1992-70B          Lageos 2               1992 Oct 22
Italy        1993-61F          Itamsat                1993 Sep 26
ITALY        1996-12B          TSS 1R                 1996 Feb 22
Italy        2000-57C          Unisat                 2000 Sep 26
Italy        2002-58D          Unisat 2               2002 Dec 20
Italy        2004-25H          Unisat 3               2004 Jun 29
(l) Japan
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Japan        1980-18A          Ayame-2                1980 Feb 22
Japan        1990-07B          Hagoromo               1990 Jun 24
Japan        2001-29B          BSAT-2b                2001 Jul 12
Japan        2004-07A          MBSAT                  2004 Mar 13
Japan        2006-05B          Solar Sail Subpayload  2006 Feb 21
Japan        2006-41D          Solar Sail Subpayload  2006 Sep 22
(n) Luxembourg
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Luxembourg   2002-53A          Astra 1K              2002 Nov 25

(o) Mexico
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

[all registered 2014]
(c) Morocco
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Morocco      2001-56D          Maroc-Tubsat           2001 Dec 10

(p) Netherlands
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Netherlands  1974-70A          ANS                    1974 Aug 30
Netherlands  2008-21G          DELFI C3               2008 Apr 28
(q) Pakistan
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Pakistan     1990-59A          BADR-A                 1990 Jul 16

(r) Portugal
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Portugal     1993-61D          POSAT                  1993 Sep 26

(s) Saudi Arabia
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Saudi Arabia 1985-15A          Arabsat 1A             1985 Feb  8
Saudi Arabia 1985-48C          Arabsat 1B             1985 Jun 18
Saudi Arabia 1992-10B          Arabsat 1C             1992 Feb 26
Saudi Arabia 1996-40B          Arabsat 2A             1996 Jul  9
Saudi Arabia 1996-63A          Arabsat 2B             1996 Nov 13    
Saudi Arabia 1999-09A          Arabsat 3A             1999 Feb 26
Saudi Arabia 2006-06A          Arabsat 4A             2006 Feb 28
Saudi Arabia 2006-51A          Arabsat 4AR            2006 Nov  8
Saudi Arabia 2008-34B          Badr 6                 2008 Jul  7
Saudi Arabia 2010-25A          Badr  5                2010 Jun  3
Saudi Arabia 2010-32A          Arabsat 5A             2010 Jun 26
(t) Spain
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Spain        2004-31A          Amazonas               2004 Aug  4
Spain        2006-07A          Spainsat               2006 Mar 11
Spain        2009-41E          Nanosat 1B             2009 Jul 29
Spain        2009-54A          Amazonas 2             2009 Oct  1
Spain        2010-70A          Hispasat 1E            2010 Dec 29
(u) Thailand
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Thailand     1993-78B          Thaicom 1              1993 Dec 18
Thailand     1994-65B          Thaicom 2              1994 Oct  8
Thailand     1997-16B          Thaicom 3              1997 Apr 16
Thailand     1998-43C          TM-SAT                 1998 Jul 10
Thailand     2005-28A          Thaicom 4              2005 Aug 11
Thailand     2006-20B          Thaicom 5              2006 May 27
(w) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Russian Federation
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

USSR         1962 Alpha Pi     Venera 2MV-1 No. 1     1962 Aug 25
USSR         1962 Alpha Tau    Venera 2MV-1 No. 2     1962 Sep  1
USSR         1962 Alpha Phi    Venera 2MV-2 No. 1     1962 Sep 12
USSR         1962 Beta Iota    Mars 2MV-4 No. 1       1962 Oct 24
USSR         1962 Beta Xi      Mars 2MV-3 No. 1       1962 Nov  4
USSR         1963-01B          Luna E-6 No. 1         1963 Jan  4
USSR         1966-88A          -                      1966 Sep 17
USSR         1966-101A         -                      1966 Nov  2

USSR 439?    1970-53A          Cosmos-353             1970 Jul  9
USSR 440?    1970-56A          Cosmos-354             1970 Jul 29
USSR 441?    1970-57A          Intercosmos-3          1970 Aug  7
USSR 442?    1970-58A          Cosmos-355             1970 Aug  7
USSR 443?    1970-59A          Cosmos-356             1970 Aug 10
USSR 444?    1970-60A          Venera-7               1970 Aug 17
USSR 445?    1970-63A          Cosmos-357             1970 Aug 19
USSR 446?    1970-64A          Cosmos-358             1970 Aug 20
USSR 447?    1970-65A          Cosmos-359             1970 Aug 22
USSR 448?    1970-68A          Cosmos-360             1970 Aug 29
USSR 449?    1970-71A          Cosmos-361             1970 Sep  8
USSR         1982-33AC         Astrozond              1982 Sep 18
USSR         (1985-53)         (Zenit debris)         1985 Jun 21
USSR         1987-30C          Kvant FSB              1987 Mar 30

RF           1996-53A          Inmarsat III F2        1996 Sep  6   (Denied by UK)
RF           2003-31A          Monitor-E dummy        2003 Jun 30
RF           2003-55A          Gruzomaket             2003 Dec  5
RF           2005-20A          Foton-M                2005 May 31
RF           2005-43J          Mozhaets 5             2005 Oct 27
RF           2009-49C          IRIS/Fregat            2009 Sep 17
RF           2009-60           Poisk                  2009 Nov 10   

[Note: It is most probable that the USSR launches in Jul-Sep 1970
were in fact registered with the UN, but that a clerical error
by the UN resulted in the registration document not being published.
The next USSR submission had sequential registration numbers which
began with 450; the previous one had registration numbers ending
with 438. 

The 1985-53 launch consisted of rocket debris only, no payload
reached orbit. In contrast, the 1962 to 1966 unregistered launches
were deliberately not announced by the USSR.

Astrozond was a passive calibration satellite ejected from the Salyut-7

(x) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

UK           1974-02A          Skynet 2A              1974 Jan 19
UK           1997-86A          Asiasat 3/HGS-1        1997 Dec 24
UK           2003-22           Beagle 2               2003 Jun  2
UK           2008-34A          Protostar 1            2008 Jul  7
UK           2009-27A          Protostar 2            2009 May 16

[Note: The UK has provided technical details to the UN for Inmarsat satellites 1991-18A to 1998-06B but explicitly denied it is the state of registry. I have now assigned them to the state which carried out the launch.] Intelsat privatized as a Bermuda company in 2001, with ITU filings done by the UK; two Inmarsat 4 satellites were registered in 2007. Asiasat 3 was a Hong Kong satellite, later sold to the US.

(y) United States of America

Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date    Category
State        Designation

US           1965-108V         OV2-3                  1965 Dec 21  (lost, rediscovered in 1983)
US           1970-29           LM 7 Aquarius          1970 Apr 11
US           1978-106A         NATO 3C                1978 Nov 19
US           1981-119A         Intelsat 5 F3          1981 Dec 15
US           1982-97A          Intelsat 5 F5          1982 Sep 28
US           1983-60C          USAF satellite         1983 Jun 20
US           1983-105A         Intelsat 5 F7          1983 Oct 19
US           1984-23A          Intelsat 5 F8          1984 Mar  5
US           1984-115A         NATO 3D                1984 Nov 14
US           1985-25A          Intelsat 5A F10        1985 Mar 22
US           1985-55A          Intelsat 5A F11        1985 Jun 30
US           1985-63B          PDP                    1985 Jul 29
US           1985-87A          Intelsat 5A F12        1985 Sep 28
US           1988-40A          Intelsat 5A F13        1988 May 18 (Denied by NL, A/AC.105/824)
US           1988-52A          Nova 2                 1988 Jun 16
US           1989-06A          Intelsat 5A F15        1989 Jan 27
US           1989-84E          Galileo Probe          1989 Oct 18
US           1989-87A          Intelsat 6 F2          1989 Oct 27
US           1990-21A          Intelsat 6 F3          1990 Mar 14
US           1990-56A          Intelsat 6 F4          1990 Jun 23
US           1990-93A          Inmarsat II F1         1990 Oct 30   (Denied by UK)
US           1991-18A          Inmarsat II F2         1991 Mar  9   (Denied by UK)
US           1991-55A          Intelsat 6 F5          1991 Aug 14
US           1991-75A          Intelsat 6 F1          1991 Oct 29
US           1991-80A          STS 44                 1991 Nov 25
US           1993-17B          SEDS 1                 1993 Mar 30
US           1993-66A          Intelsat 701           1993 Oct 22
US           1994-34A          Intelsat 702           1994 Jun 17
US           1994-64A          Intelsat 703           1994 Oct  6
US           1994-73A          STS 66                 1994 Nov  3
US           1995-01A          Intelsat 704           1995 Jan 10
US           1995-04H          ODERACS 2F             1995 Feb  3
US           1995-13A          Intelsat 705           1995 Mar 22
US           1995-23A          Intelsat 706           1995 May 17
US           1996-15A          Intelsat 707           1996 Mar 14
US           1996-35A          Intelsat 709           1996 Jun 15
US           1996-20A          Inmarsat III F1        1996 Apr  3   (Denied by UK)
US           1996-70A          Inmarsat III F3        1996 Dec 18   (Denied by UK)
US           1997-09A          Intelsat 801           1997 Mar  1
US           1997-31A          Intelsat 802           1997 Jun 25
US           1997-51C          Iridium 33             1997 Sep 14
US           1997-53A          Intelsat 803           1997 Sep 23
US           1997-83A          Intelsat 804           1997 Dec 22
US           1998-14A          Intelsat 806           1998 Feb 28
US           1998-18A          Iridium                1998 Mar 25
US           1998-18B          Iridium                1998 Mar 25
US           1998-37A          Intelsat 805           1998 Jun 18
US           1999-01           DS2 Scott              1999 Jan  3
US           1999-01           DS2 Amundsen           1999 Jan  3
US           1999-14A          DemoSat                1999 Mar 28    Other commercial
US           1999-53A          LMI 1                  1999 Sep 27    Other commercial
US           2000-74A          QuickBird              2000 Nov 20    Other commercial
US           2002-58H          Latinsat A             2002 Dec 20    Other commercial
US           2002-58B          Latinsat B             2002 Dec 20    Other commercial
US           2004-24A          Telstar 18             2004 Jun 29    Other commercial
US           1990-097          Secret satellite?      1990 Nov 15


Note: Prior to 1981 Intelsat launches were registered by the US. In the years
between 1981 and Intelsat privatization in 2001, no state registered Intelsat launches. 
Some US officials have argued that INTELSAT was an IGO and should have had its own
registry; while this is true, my reading of the rules and of past practice (e.g. France and ESA)
is that the host country of the organization's headquarters is responsible until the IGO
establishes its indepedent registry - therefore, the US should have registered the 28
Intelsat satellites in question.

Note: In 2013 the US registered 87 previously unregistered satellites
launched between 1986 and 2010. However the registration information did not include orbital
data, contrary to the provisions of the convention and to long standing practice. I therefore
consider these satellites to remain out of compliance. They are listed below.

US           1986-14H          USA 18                 1986 Feb  9
US           1989-72A          USA 45                 1989 Sep  6
US           1990-31A          USA 56                 1990 Apr 11
US           1990-31B          USA 57                 1990 Apr 11
US           1990-31C          USA 58                 1990 Apr 11
US           1991-76D          USA 76                 1991 Nov  8
US           1991-76E          USA 77                 1991 Nov  8

US           1993-58B          ACTS                   1993 Sep 12
US           1994-40A          PAS 2                  1994 Jul  8    Other commercial
US           1995-57A          UHF F6                 1995 Oct 22
US           1995-69A          Galaxy 3R              1995 Dec 15    Other commercial
US           1995-72B          Skipper                1995 Dec 28
US           1995-73A          Echostar 1             1995 Dec 28    Other commercial
US           1997-30A          Iridium 9              1997 Jun 18
US           1997-30B          Iridium 10             1997 Jun 18
US           1997-30C          Iridium 11             1997 Jun 18
US           1997-30D          Iridium 12             1997 Jun 18

US           1997-30E          Iridium 13             1997 Jun 18
US           1997-30F          Iridium 14             1997 Jun 18
US           1997-30G          Iridium 16             1997 Jun 18
US           1997-51A          Iridium                1997 Sep 14
US           1997-51B          Iridium                1997 Sep 14
US           1997-51D          Iridium                1997 Sep 14
US           1997-51E          Iridium                1997 Sep 14
US           1997-51F          Iridium                1997 Sep 14
US           1997-51G          Iridium                1997 Sep 14
US           1998-21A          Iridium                1998 Apr  7

US           1998-21B          Iridium                1998 Apr  7
US           1998-21C          Iridium                1998 Apr  7
US           1998-21D          Iridium                1998 Apr  7
US           1998-21E          Iridium                1998 Apr  7
US           1998-21F          Iridium                1998 Apr  7
US           1998-21G          Iridium                1998 Apr  7
US           1998-65A          Panamsat 8             1998 Nov  4    Other commercial
US           1999-04A          Globalstar             1999 Feb  9
US           1999-04B          Globalstar             1999 Feb  9
US           1999-04C          Globalstar             1999 Feb  9

US           1999-04D          Globalstar             1999 Feb  9
US           1999-12A          Globalstar             1999 Mar 15
US           1999-12B          Globalstar             1999 Mar 15
US           1999-12C          Globalstar             1999 Mar 15
US           1999-12D          Globalstar             1999 Mar 15
US           1999-19A          Globalstar             1999 Apr 15
US           1999-19B          Globalstar             1999 Apr 15
US           1999-19C          Globalstar             1999 Apr 15
US           1999-19D          Globalstar             1999 Apr 15
US           1999-31A          Globalstar             1999 Jun 10

US           1999-31B          Globalstar             1999 Jun 10
US           1999-31C          Globalstar             1999 Jun 10
US           1999-31D          Globalstar             1999 Jun 10
US           1999-49A          Globalstar             1999 Sep 22
US           1999-49B          Globalstar             1999 Sep 22
US           1999-49C          Globalstar             1999 Sep 22
US           1999-49D          Globalstar             1999 Sep 22
US           1999-58A          Globalstar             1999 Oct 18
US           1999-58B          Globalstar             1999 Oct 18
US           1999-58C          Globalstar             1999 Oct 18

US           1999-58D          Globalstar             1999 Oct 18
US           1999-62A          Globalstar             1999 Nov 22
US           1999-62B          Globalstar             1999 Nov 22
US           1999-62C          Globalstar             1999 Nov 22
US           1999-62D          Globalstar             1999 Nov 22
US           2001-24A          Intelsat 901           2001 Jun  9
US           2001-39A          Intelsat 902           2001 Aug 30 [Previously tagged to UK]
US           2002-07A          Intelsat 904           2002 Feb 23 [Previously tagged to UK]
US           2002-16A          Intelsat 903           2002 Mar 30 [Previously tagged to UK]
US           2002-27A          Intelsat 905           2002 Jun  5 [Previously tagged to UK]

US           2002-41A          Intelsat 906           2002 Sep  6 [Previously tagged to UK]
US           2003-07A          Intelsat 907           2003 Feb 15 [Previously tagged to UK]
US           2004-22A          Intelsat 10-02         2004 Jun 16 [Previously tagged to UK]
US           2005-22A          Intelsat Americas-8    2005 Jun 23 [Previously tagged to UK]
US           2007-16B          Galaxy 17              2007 May  4 [Previously tagged to UK]     Other commercial
US           2007-20A          Globalstar             2007 May 29
US           2007-20B          Globalstar             2007 May 29
US           2007-20C          Globalstar             2007 May 29
US           2007-20D          Globalstar             2007 May 29
US           2007-44B          Intelsat 11            2007 Oct  5 [Previously tagged to UK]

US           2007-48A          Globalstar             2007 Oct 20
US           2007-48B          Globalstar             2007 Oct 20
US           2007-48C          Globalstar             2007 Oct 20
US           2007-48D          Globalstar             2007 Oct 20
US           2009-64A          Intelsat 14            2009 Nov 23 [Previously tagged to UK]
US           2009-67A          Intelsat 15            2009 Nov 29 [Previously tagged to UK]
US           2007-63B          Horizons 2             2007 Dec 21    Other commercial
US           2008-11A          AMC 14                 2008 Mar 14    Other commercial
US           2010-06A          Intelsat 16            2010 Feb 12
US           2010-65B          Intelsat 17            2010 Nov 28

Note: The 175 unregistered or uncompliant satellites that I claim should be the responsibility of the US
break down as follows:
                                          Unregistered   Uncompliant
     Satellites reentered prior to 1962 - 32
     Intelsat satellites   -              28             14

     Globalstar satellites -               0             36
     Iridium satellites -                  3             20
     Inmarsat satellites -                 4              0   (launched by US and denied by UK)
     Other commercial sats -               6              7

     Shuttle missions   -                  2              0
     Space probes -                        5              0 (one might reasonably argue about some of these)
     Civilian sats -                       4              0 (two are arguable cases)
     Unclassified military -               6              2
     Secret military -                     2              7
% 60 86
% 56 87

My understanding of the US position is that the US denies it is responsible for registering
the old Intelsat satellites because Intelsat was an IGO; 
notes it does not have to register the pre-1962 satellites since the convention
was not in force; and sees the other cases as not worth correcting because it is lazy.
(I welcome a clarification on these points from my friends in the US State Dept.)

[Note: Independent analysts have accumulated evidence that the United
States deployed an additional, unacknowledged, paylod on the STS-38
mission (1990-097), as well as the acknowledged payload USA 67. The
secret payload is reported to have the designation PROWLER. I regard the
evidentiary case as medium-to-strong, but not completely proved. The alleged
illegal payload is listed here and, provisionally, included in the totals above.]

() Norway
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Norway       1997-25A          Thor 2                 1997 May 20
Norway       1998-35A          Thor 3                 1998 Jun 10
Norway       2005-43H          NCUBE 2                2005 Oct 27
Norway       2008-06A          Thor 5                 2008 Feb 11
Norway       2009-58B          Thor 6                 2009 Oct 29
Norway       2010-35C          AISSAT-1               2010 Jul 12
() Egypt
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Egypt        1998-24A          Nilesat 101            1998 Apr 28
Egypt        2000-46B          Nilesat 102            2000 Aug 17
Egypt        2010-37A          Nilesat 201            2010 Aug  4
() Singapore
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Singapore    1998-49A          Singapore-Taiwan-1     1998 Aug 25
() Republic of China (Taiwan)
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Taiwan       1999-02A          ROCSAT                 1999 Jan  3
Taiwan       2004-18A          ROCSAT-2               2004 May 20
Taiwan       2006-11A          COSMIC 1               2006 Apr 15
Taiwan       2006-11B          COSMIC 2               2006 Apr 15
Taiwan       2006-11C          COSMIC 3               2006 Apr 15
Taiwan       2006-11D          COSMIC 4               2006 Apr 15
Taiwan       2006-11E          COSMIC 5               2006 Apr 15
Taiwan       2006-11F          COSMIC 6               2006 Apr 15
() Turkey
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Turkey       2009-51E          ITUPSAT-1              2009 Sep 23

() Republic of South Africa
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

[All sats registered 2013]

() Denmark
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Denmark      2003-31C          DTUSat                 2003 Jun 30
Denmark      2003-31G          AAU-Cubesat            2003 Jun 30
Denmark      2008-21F          AAUSAT 2               2008 Apr 28
() Iran
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Iran         2005-43D          Sinah-1                2005 Oct 27
Iran         2009-04A          Omid                   2009 Feb  2
() Mauritius
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Mauritius    2007-63A          RASCOM-QAF 1           2007 Dec 21
Mauritius    2010-37B          RASCOM-QAF 1R          2010 Aug  4
() Vietnam
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Vietnam      2008-18A          Vinasat 1              2008 Apr 18
() Swiss Confederation
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Swiss Confed 2009-51B          SwissCube              2009 Sep 23
Swiss Confed 2010-35E          TIsat-1                2010 Jul 12
() Ukraine
Launching    International     Name                  Launch Date
State        Designation

Ukraine      2010-28C          BPA-1                  2010 Jun 15