Interns 2010: Marie, Sam McCandlish, Jason Kong, Dom Segura-Cox, Brian Svoboda, Jared Coughlin, Jonathan, (front row:) Elizabeth Otto, Sarah Wellons, Schuyler Wolff, Kim Ward-Duong, Justin 'JB' Brown
dsc_0003.jpg Queue for food dsc_0005.jpg Elizabeth and Warren Brown dsc_0006.jpg Sarah and Kim
dsc_0009.jpg Sarah, Sam and Kim dsc_0011.jpg Sam, Schulyer and Kim dsc_0012.jpg Brian, Kelly and JB
dsc_0013.jpg Jason dsc_0014.jpg Brian and Kim battle it out as Sarah looks on dsc_0015.jpg Sarah gets comfy dsc_0035.nef.jpg Wish I'd had the wide angle lens earlier