Median SEDs from Elvis et al 1994

Each MED (Mean/Median Energy Distribution) file contains two columns

Only frequency values between log nu = 12.5 and log nu = 15.5 contain information with enough statistics to be considered reliable.

The mean, median and percentiles are calculated incorporating upper limit data by using Kaplan-Meier estimates (censored statistics) as described in the paper.

Files with names beginning with LMED represent the MED normalized with the UVOIR luminosity as in Fig 37b.

SED files based on data from all objects in sample

SED files based on subsamples

L(UVOIR)-normalized SED files based on data from all objects in sample

Fig. 36. The mean quasar energy distribution, normalized at 1.5 microns, for radio-loud (dashed line) and radio-quiet (solid line) quasars. Spectral regions where little or no data are available are omitted. The radio-loud distribution has a rising x-ray spectrum in this plot, while the radio-quiet x-ray spectrum is horizontal.

Fig 37 (a) The median quasar energy distribution in the UVOIR range, normalized at 1.5 microns, and the 68, 90, and 100 (dashed) Kaplan-Meier percentile envelopes, showing the large dispersion from the mean in the far infrared and ultraviolet.

Fig 37(b) The median and percentiles when the energy distributions are normalized by their total 100 micron to 1000 A luminosity rather than the monochromatic 1.5 micron luminosity.