MIRNEWS.182 26 JULY 1993 Ham-work during successfully accomplished Altair-mission: Jean-Pierre, F6MIR, was an enthousiastic and skilled amateur. In this field he did not yield to Tognini during his flight in 1992. H. made all his QSO-s in the proper way and during the last day of his flight he told in a CQ-message that he had been pleased by radio-amateurism and he expressed his gratitude to all amateurs with whom he had been in contact. He was not pleased about an Italian amateur, who, using a very strong signal, often blocked the uplink too long. He limited H's possibilities to make more QSO-s with French and other amateurs. MIR-crews: On 16.7.93 the control over the MIR-station had been transferred to the new crew: Tsibliyev took care of the attitude control and Serebrov had replaced Polishchuk as board-engineer. Manakov and Polishchuk prepared their returnflight. Their main concern was to find room in Soyuz-TM16 for all what they had to bring back to earth. Thoroughly they checked the on board systems of that schip and rehearsed the procedures for the navigation during and after the undocking from MIR on 22.07.93. A physician at TsUP regularly checked the health of M. and P. New crew: As of 22.07.93 Tsibliyev and Serebrov are working strenuously. They are busy with a lot of important repairs and replacements. Obviously they have to solve all problems with the attitude- (movements-) control of the complex. (Girodynes and the VDU motor in the Sofora-girder). They already work on the Girodynes. It is a pleasure to hear the new crew: undoubtedly excellent cosmonauts. Quite normal for S.: this is his 4th flight, but the novice T. acts as if he has a long experience in space. Progress-M18 and M19: Recently the decay of the first freighter (M18) still was on schedule for 24.07.93. This has been put back. Though still not for 100% sure the plan is to undock Pr-M18 on 8.08.93 after the launch that same day of Pr-M19. If this happens it will be a novelty: for a while 2 freighters flying autonomous- ly in space. Chris v.d. Berg, NL-9165/A-UK3202.