MIRNEWS.234 31 OCTOBER 1994 Soyuz-TM19: This ship with on board the cosmonauts Malenchenko, Musabayev and Merbold will return to earth on 4.11.94. The returnflight has been put back 1 day. The Russians had to extend the Euro mir94 mission for an extra testflight with the S-TM19. The crew of S-TM19 will close the hatch behind them on 4.11.94 at 0450UTC. The ship will undock from the MIR-complex at abt. 0700UTC and if all goes according to the so called 'cyclogram' the landing in Kazakhstan will follow at 1118UTC. The inserted testflight of S-TM19 will take place on 2.11.94. The ship will separate from at 1100UTC and execute some appro aches to check the automatic Kurssystem. Chris v.d. Berg, NL-9165/A-UK3202