GCASO: General Catalog of Artificial Space Objects

Jonathan C. McDowell

Launch Sites

Rocket Launch Ships: US Rocket Launching Aircraft: Military Transports

C-130 Hercules

A C-130 transport was used to deploy an SR-19 missile in the AltAir (HAVE GOLD) demo of 1997. It is not clear whether or not another C-130 launch of an SR-19 based target in 1999 used the same aircraft. The 1999 launch used a C-130H. The 1997 launch used `a Navy-supplied C-130'.

Rockets used: AltAir,SRALT

Updated: 2025 Mar 26 2240:53

Launches: C-130
1997 Jan 30 2155AltAirAltAir (Have Gold)-C-130C-130 HerculesPMRW03/21WTRLP3 119.0W 33.0N (+/- 3.0) 15.0
1999 Mar 31 0015SRALTSRALT/MBRV-3-C-130C-130 HerculesKAURW16/34KAULP1 159.8W 22.1N (+/- 0.0) 99.0