Dear Gary, Thanks for your notes. My lower limit for GEO is 23 hours (1380 min), 1 hour off from the central value. 24737 and 24740 agreed but desig of 24740 (DSP 18 IUS SRM-2): think this is 08D not 08B. 24282: period is 1353 min, below GEO 20965: thanks, have added this but name is R/B(unknown) not R/B(IUS) (unless you know different; I believe press accounts of an IUS on this mission, including my own earlier writings, are incorrect; we now think this is an SDS B mission built by Hughes and somewhat similar to the Leasat satellites) 15545: Believed to be in transfer orbit, with an integral payload apogee motor making the final burn (unless you know different); similarly 1989-90D. This is according to mission profile descriptions leaked in Av Week, which could be in error. 11261: Yes, I'll give you this one marginally, at least for a while it was estimated at 1380 min on my borderline. 04630 and 04632 (DSP F1 objects) I consider as below GEO. 01318 is I think in a 680 min transfer orbit - why do you consider it as in GEO? Thanks again for the input - Jonathan.