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Jonathan's Space Report
No. 843 draft                                                     2025 Feb 19 Somerville, MA

Annual Report
The 2024 annual report is available at
Latest corrected version is v1.4, if you downloaded an earlier version please replace it.

JSR Fundraiser

The JSR Fundraiser at
has now raised over $100K. I am profoundly moved and grateful for all your

I am looking at several properties in the south of England as possible homes,
but nothing solid (or affordable) yet. I'll keep you all posted.

International Space Station

Expedition 72 continues with Suni Williams (ISS commander), Barry Wilmore, Aleksey Ovchinin, Ivan Vagner, 
Don Pettit, Nick Hague and Aleksandr Gorbunov.

Progress MS-28 reboosted the ISS orbit at 0130 UTC Feb 20 with a 2.0 m/s burn.

Progress MS-28 undocked from Zvezda at about 2017:33 UTC Feb 25, made
a deorbit burn at 2325 UTC Feb 25, and reentered over the S Pacific at
around 0006 UTC Feb 26.

Progress MS-30 was launched on Feb 27 and docked with the ISS Zvezda module at 2302:30 UTC Mar 1.

Dragon Crew-10 was launched on Mar 14 from Kennedy Space Center with crew Anne McClain (commander),
Nicole Ayers (pilot) and T. Onishi and K. Peskov (mission specialists).
A large piece of foam insulation separated from the second stage LOX
dome at separation.

Crew-10 docked with ISS port IDA-2 at 0404 UTC Mar 16.


Starlink Group 12-14 (23 sats) was launched on Feb 21 from Canaveral.
Starlink Group 15-1 (22 sats) was launched on Feb 23 from Vandenberg.
Starlink Group 12-13 (21 sats) was launched on Feb 27 from Canaveral.
Starlink Group 12-20 (21 sats) was launched on Mar 3 from Canaveral.
Starlink Group 12-21 (21 sats) was launched on Mar 13 from Canaveral.
Starlink Group 12-26 (23 sats) was launched on Mar 15 from Canaveral.

CALT launches

CALT launched a CZ-3B from Xichang on Feb 22, carrying the Zhongxing-10R communications sat to geotransfer orbit.

CALT launched a CZ-2C from Jiuquan on Feb 27, carrying the Siwei Gaojing 1-03 and 1-04 commercial imaging satellites
to 1330 LTDN sun-sync orbit.

CALT launched a CZ-3B from Xichang on Mar 9, carrying the TJS 15 satellite to geotransfer orbit.

Chinese launch failure

On Mar 1, a launch vehicle, probably a Kuaizhou-1A, exploded within moments of ignition at Jiuquan.
No further details are available.


On Feb 27 SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 from Kennedy to a lunar-apogee transfer orbit. The primary payload
was Intuitive Machines' IM-2 Athena lunar lander. Secondary payloads deployed from an ESPA ring on the second
stage were AstroForge's Odin asteroid probe, the Caltech/JPL Lunar Trailblazer lunar orbiter, and
Epic Aerospace's Chimera GEO-1.

Chimera, built in Buenos Aires and Montevideo, is a 301 kg space tug which will maneuver from
the lunar transfer orbit to GEO. This is just an extreme version of the fairly common supersynchronous
transfer orbit technique, leveraging the low velocity at apogee to make the inclination change
to equatorial. Once in GEO it will deploy a currently-secret commercial 16U cubesat for an unknown
customer from an unknown country. Chimera made a lunar flyby on Mar 3 but its current status is not known.

Lunar Trailblazer (LTB) targeted a 100 km low lunar orbit and carries a neutron spectrometer to map water abundance.
Mass of the probe is 210 kg including propellant. However, LTB ran into problems soon after
launch and now appears dead. It was not able to perform lunar orbit insertion. 
LTB made a 457 km lunar flyby at 1204 UTC Mar 3. It will depart the Earth's Hill sphere
on Mar 26 and enter a 1.00 x 1.09 AU x 0.2 deg solar orbit.

Athena carries a set of experiments including
three rovers: IM's own Grace hopper rover (39 kg),  Lunar Outpost's MAPP rover (10 kg), and Dymon Co.'s
Yaoki rover (0.5 kg). Launch mass of Athena was 2120 kg, presumably including the rovers. Dry mass
is likely around 650 kg.

Athena entered lunar orbit on Mar 3 at 1227 UTC. Insertion was directly
to a 100 km low lunar polar orbit. It performed descent orbit insertion
(DOI) at 1033 UTC Mar 6 to a 10 x 100 km orbit, followed by powered
descent initiation (PDI) at 1714 UTC.  Athena landed near Mons Mouton
(Liebnitz Beta) at 31W 85S at 1728:50 UTC Mar 6. It continued to
communicate after landing, but there are indications that the lander may
not be upright.

Odin's mission was to include a flyby of the potentially metal-rich asteroid 2022 OB5. The asteroid is in
a 0.95 x 1.07 AU x 2.1 deg solar orbit, and probably has a diameter of order 10 metres. Odin is
105 kg wet 77 kg dry, about 0.7m across with 3.5m solar panel span, and carries a Dawn Aerospace
N2O-propellant SpaceDrive thruster package. Odin ended up in a tumble after launch
and controllers are attempting to recover control of the spacecraft.
Odin made a 108 km lunar flyby at 1206 UTC Mar 3, sending it to a 0.99 x 1.06 AU x 0.4 deg solar orbit;
it will depart the Earth's Hill sphere on Mar 22.

Trajectory data for Athena and Chimera are, regrettably, not available. 

Blue Ghost

Firefly's Blue Ghost 1 landed on the Moon on Mar 2. It manuevered from 106 x 106 km 
to 20 x 100 km with a DOI burn at 0800 UTC, followed by PDI at 0823 UTC and landing
at 0834 UTC at 18.56N 61.81E near Mons Latreille in Mare Crisium.


Russia launched the Glonass-K2 No. 14L satellite (Kosmos-2584) on Mar 2.


The second Ariane 6 was launched on Mar 6 and deployed France's CSO 3 spy sat into sun-synch orbit.
The upper stage was successfully deorbited over the Indian Ocean.


The eighth Starship test flight was launched on 2025 Mar 3 from Starbase using Booster 15 and Ship 34.
The Booster successfully returned for a tower catch. The Ship again failed late in the
ascent burn, and was destroyed over the Bahamas.
Four Starlink simulators were carried, and would have been used to test the dispenser.


On Mar 12 SpaceX launched NASA's SPHEREx infrared astronomy sky survey
satellite to 18:00 LTDN sun-sync orbit. SPHEREx carries a 0.20m aperture
passively cooled infrared telescope to survey the sky in the 0.75 to 5
micron band. Mass is 502 kg; the mission is led by JPL. SPHEREx was
built at BAE Systems (former Ball Aerospace) in Boulder.

Also aboard were the four PUNCH satellites which carry visible-band
polarimetric imagers for studying the solar corona. The 64 kg sats,
built and operated by SWRI for NASA, include one NFI (Narrow
Field Imager) and three WFI (Wide FIeld Imager) sats


On Mar 15 at 0000 UTC a Rocket Lab Electron launched the QPS SAR 9 radar satellite for iQPS.

On Mar 18 at 0131 UTC a Rocket Lab Electron launched the five Kineis-4 satellites for Kineis.

Galactic Energy

On Mar 17 Galactic Energy launched a Gushenxing-1 from Jiuquan with six Yunyao GNSS-RO
meteo satellites and two Zhongke imaging sats.

Transporter 13

The Transporter 13 rideshare mission was launched on Mar 15 from Vandenberg on a Falcon 9.


Russia launched an Angara-1.2 from Plesetsk on Mar 16, placing three Rodnik-class small communications
satellites in orbit.


The launch date for Starlink 11-4 was wrong in the text of JSR 842, but correct in the table.

Table of Recent Orbital (and near-Orbital) Launches

Date UT       Name			          Launch Vehicle	 Site		 Mission  INTL.  Catalog  Perigee Apogee  Incl	 Notes

Feb 11 0209   Starlink Group 11-10                 Falcon  9              Vandenberg SLC4E Comms    29  275 x 288 x 53.2
Feb 11 0930   HWD 2-01 to 2-09                     Chang Zheng 8A         Wenchang LC201   Comms    30  860 x 871 x 50.0
Feb 11 1853   Starlink Group 12-18                 Falcon 9               Canaveral LC40   Comms    31  285 x 292 x 43.0
Feb 15 0614   Starlink Group 12-8                  Falcon 9               Canaveral LC40   Comms    32  285 x 291 x 43.0
Feb 18 2317   BlackSky Gen3                        Electron               Mahia LC1B       Imaging  33A 466 x 476 x 59.0
Feb 18 2321   Starlink Group 10-12                 Falcon 9               Canaveral LC40   Comms    34  273 x 284 x 53.2
Feb 21 1519   Starlink Group 12-14                 Falcon 9               Canaveral LC40   Comms    35  272 x 279 x 43.0
Feb 22 1211   Zhongxing-10R                        Chang Zheng 3B         Xichang          Comms    36A 212 x 35732 x 27.7
Feb 23 0138   Starlink Group 15-1                  Falcon 9               Vandenberg SLC4E Comms    37  265 x 280 x 70.0
Feb 27 0016   IM-2 Athena                          Falcon 9               Kennedy LC39A    Lunar    38A  212 x 367501 x 28.5
              Lunar Trailblazer                                                            Lunar    38C  212 x 367501 x 28.5
              Odin                                                                         Deep     38D  212 x 367501 x 28.5
              Chimera GEO-1                                                                Tug      38B  212 x 367501 x 28.5
Feb 27 0334   Starlink Group 12-13                 Falcon 9               Canaveral LC40   Comms    39   283 x 292 x 43.0
Feb 27 0708   Siwei Gaojing 1-03                   Chang Zheng 2C         Jiuquan          Imaging  40A  489 x 505 x 97.3
              Siwei Gaojing 1-04                                                           Imaging  40B
Feb 27 2124   Progress MS-30                       Soyuz-2-1a             Baykonur LC31    Cargo    41A  138 x 221 x 51.7
Mar  1 1001   Unknown payload                      Kuaizhou-1A?           Jiuquan          Unk      F02  -6378 x 0 x 97
Mar  2 2222   Kosmos-2584                          Soyuz-2-1b/Fregat      Plesetsk         Nav      42A 19140 x 19154 x 64.8
Mar  3 0224   Starlink Group 12-20                 Falcon 9               Canaveral LC40   Comms    43   284 x 291 x 43
Mar  6 1624   CSO 3                                Ariane 62              Kourou ELA4      Imaging  44A   783 x  783 x 98
Mar  6 2330   Starship FT8                         Starship               Starbase OLP1    Test     F03  -3600? x 146 x 26
Mar  9 1717   TJS 15                               Chang Zheng 3B         Xichang          Unk      45A  172 x 36097 x 19.0
Mar 11 1638   Qianfan 06 (01 to 18)                Chang Zheng 8          Hainan CLS LC1   Comms    46A
Mar 12 0310   SPHEREx                              Falcon 9               Vandenberg SLC4E Astron   47   636 x 681 x 97.8
              PUNCH-WFI                                                                    Solar    47   639 x 669 x 97.8
	      PUNCH-NFI-1								   Solar    47	 639 x 669 x 97.8
	      PUNCH-NFI-2								   Solar    47	 639 x 669 x 97.8
	      PUNCH-NFI-3								   Solar    47	 639 x 669 x 97.8
Mar 13 0235   Starlink Group 12-21                 Falcon 9               Canaveral LC40   Comms    48   284 x 291 x 43
Mar 14 2303   Dragon Crew-10                       Falcon 9               Kennedy LC39A   Spaceship 49A  151 x 200 x 51.7
Mar 15 0000   Susanoo-I                            Electron               Mahia Pad 1B     Radar    50A  573 x 574 x 42.0
Mar 15 0411   Siwei Gaojing 3-02                   Chang Zheng 2D         Jiuquan          Imaging  51A  490 x 502 x 97.5
              Tianyan-23                                                                   Tech?    51B  490 x 501 x 97.5
Mar 15 0643   Transporter 13                       Falcon 9               Vandenberg SLC4E Rideshare 52  592 x 594 x 97.8
Mar 15 1135   Starlink Group 12-16                 Falcon 9               Canaveral LC40   Comms    53   284 x 292 x 43.0
Mar 16 1050   Kosmos-2585                          Angara-1.2             Plesetsk LC35/1  Comms    54A  
              Kosmos-2586                                                                  Comms    54B
              Kosmos-2587                                                                  Comms    54C
Mar 17 0807   Yunyao-1 55 to 60                    Gushenxing-1           Jiuquan          Meteo    55
              Zhongke-1 06 to 07                                                           Imaging  55
Mar 18 0131   Kineis 4A to 4E                      Electron               Mahia Pad 1A     Comms    56

Table of Recent Suborbital Launches

NS-30,  using capsule First Step and booster 4, carried six tourists to space on Feb 25.

Date UT       Payload           Rocket              Site                 Mission       Apogee    Target 

Feb 19 0900   GT252             Minuteman 3         Vandenberg LF09      Op.Test        1300?    Kwajalein
Feb 25 1549   NS-30             New Shepard         West Texas           Tourist flight  107     West Texas

|  Jonathan McDowell                 |                                    |
|  Somerville MA 02143               |  inter : planet4589 at gmail       |
|  USA                               |  twitter: @planet4589              |
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