Thor 390/Agena 2354 | 1964 Jan 11 |
Launch Result
Launched Objects
COSPAR | JCAT | Name | AltName | Owner | Mass/kg |
1964-001E | S00731 | POPPY 3A | NRO Mission 7103A (PL135) | NRL | 29 |
1964-001D | S00730 | POPPY 3B | NRO Mission 7103B (PL124/SR VIIA) | NRL | 40 |
1964-001B | S00728 | POPPY 3C | NRO Mission 7103C (PL134/GGSE I) | NRL | 38 |  |
1964-001C | S00729 | EGRS I | Secor II-2 | Army ERDL | 18 |
1964-001A | A00435 | Agena D 2354 | Agena D 2354 | AF | 600? |
1964-001A | S00727 | HAYLOFT | NRO Mission 7210 (AFTRACK) | AF | 5? |
POPPY 3: Mass data in NCST and POPPY History allow us to correlate POPPY
3A,B,C with their entries in the NCST list. The lifetime information,
however, does not match. They have been matched with tracked objects via
the names in the SATCAT, which make sense for once.
POPPY 3C carried an experimental gravity gradient system that was referred to publicly as
GGSE I (Gravity Gradient Stabilization Experiment I). A
paper on GGSE I,II and III was published in NASA SP-107.
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