Jonathan's Space Pages

Enormous (`Mega') Satellite Constellations

Constellation List

I consider constellations with N > 50 planned satellites as 'Large' and N > 1000 as 'Enormous'.

Each enormous (expected N > 1000 ) planned constellation is listed here. The tables show:

Note: Statements by Greg Wyler of E-Space and others indicate that they do not in fact actually intend to build and deploy the very large number of proposed satellites registered with the ITU by E-Space (Semaphore and Cinnamon constellations). Nevertheless the ITU filings exist and, as far as I know, have not been retracted.

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
SG1: Starlink Constellation, Modified Gen 1 (Apr 2020 Filing)(6736 satellites planned, 4714 up, 3983 operational) 2018-
StarlinkUS1 0 Group 1 550 53.0 72 22 0 0 0 01751 1584
StarlinkUS 1 1Shell 1-1 547.25 53.050 1194
StarlinkUS 1 2Shell 1-2 549.70 53.000 0
StarlinkUS2 0 Group 2 570 70.0 36 20 0 0 0 0408 720
StarlinkUS 2 1Shell 2-1 572.00 70.000 390
StarlinkUS3 0 Group 3 560 97.6 6 58 0 0 0 0233 348
StarlinkUS 3 1Shell 3-1 563.00 97.600 232
StarlinkUS4 0 Group 4 540 53.2 72 22 0 0 0 01621 1584
StarlinkUS 4 1Shell 4-1 539.75 53.200 1482
StarlinkUS 4 2Shell 4-2 542.00 53.050 4
StarlinkUS5 0 Group 5 530 43.0 28 89 0 0 0 0701 2500
StarlinkUS 5 1Shell 5-1 488.00 43.000 681
StarlinkUS TOTAL 3983 167 564 47146736

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
SG2A: Starlink Constellation, Modified Gen 2 Part 1 as approved 11/22(5000 satellites planned, 2411 up, 2167 operational) 2022-
Starlink2AUS6 0 V2M Shell 2 (43 deg) 523 43.0 0 0 0 0 0 01387 0
Starlink2AUS 6 1Shell 6-1 559.10 43.000 659
Starlink2AUS 6 2Shell 6-2 488.00 43.000 162
Starlink2AUS 6 3Shell 6-3 444.00 43.000 469
Starlink2AUS7 0 V2M Shell 1 (53 deg) 525 53.0 28 89 0 0 0 0765 2500
Starlink2AUS 7 1Shell 7-1 481.70 53.160 3
Starlink2AUS 7 2Shell 7-2 551.80 53.160 47
Starlink2AUS 7 3Shell 7-3 447.00 53.160 185
Starlink2AUS 7 4Shell 7-4 551.80 53.160 0
Starlink2AUS 7 5Shell 7-5 463.00 53.160 137
Starlink2AUS 7 6Shell 7-6 475.20 53.160 294
Starlink2AUS8 0 DTC Shell 1 535 53.0 28 89 0 0 0 0259 2500
Starlink2AUS 8 1Shell 8-1 359.00 53.160 146
Starlink2AUS 8 2Shell 8-2 355.00 53.160 11
Starlink2AUS 8 3Shell 8-3 339.50 53.160 54
Starlink2AUS TOTAL 2167 156 88 24115000

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
SG2: Starlink Constellation, Modified Gen 2 Part 2, 2024 Mod(30456 satellites planned, 0 up, 0 operational) --
Starlink2US1 0 Shell 1 480 53.0 56 120 0 0 0 00 6720
Starlink2US2 0 Shell 2 485 43.0 56 120 0 0 0 00 6720
Starlink2US3 0 Shell 3 475 32.0 28 120 0 0 0 00 3360
Starlink2US4 0 Shell 4 340 53.0 72 42 0 0 0 00 3024
Starlink2US5 0 Shell 5 345 48.0 72 42 0 0 0 00 3024
Starlink2US6 0 Shell 6 355 43.0 72 42 0 0 0 00 3024
Starlink2US7 0 Shell 7 350 38.0 72 42 0 0 0 00 3024
Starlink2US8 0 Shell 8 360 96.9 30 32 0 0 0 00 960
Starlink2US9 0 Shell 9 604 148.0 12 11 0 0 0 00 132
Starlink2US8 0 Shell 8 604 148.0 12 12 0 0 0 00 144
Starlink2US9 0 Shell 9 614 115.7 18 18 0 0 0 00 324
Starlink2US TOTAL 0 0 0 030456
Group TotalUS TOTAL 6150 323 652712542192

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
OW: OneWeb Constellation (2021 revision, Phase 1)(716 satellites planned, 660 up, 647 operational) 2019-
OneWebUK1 0 Shell 1 1200 87.9 12 49 0 0 0 0656 588
OneWebUK 1 1Shell 1-1 1221.70 87.887 49
OneWebUK 1 2Shell 1-2 1217.68 87.890 52
OneWebUK 1 3Shell 1-3 1213.73 87.895 53
OneWebUK 1 4Shell 1-4 1209.75 87.895 51
OneWebUK 1 5Shell 1-5 1205.80 87.895 55
OneWebUK 1 6Shell 1-6 1201.73 87.905 78
OneWebUK 1 7Shell 1-7 1197.67 87.915 55
OneWebUK 1 8Shell 1-8 1193.70 87.914 50
OneWebUK 1 9Shell 1-9 1189.70 87.910 50
OneWebUK 1 10Shell 1-10 1185.60 87.914 51
OneWebUK 1 11Shell 1-11 1181.90 87.930 52
OneWebUK 1 12Shell 1-12 1177.80 87.930 51
OneWebUK3 0 Shell 3 1200 55.0 8 16 0 0 0 04 128
OneWebUK TOTAL 647 7 6 660716

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
OW2: OneWeb Constellation (2021 revision, Phase 2)(6372 satellites planned, 0 up, 0 operational) --
OneWebUK1 0 Shell 1 1200 87.9 36 49 0 0 0 00 1764
OneWebUK 1 1Shell 1-1 1221.70 87.887 0
OneWebUK 1 2Shell 1-2 1217.68 87.890 0
OneWebUK 1 3Shell 1-3 1213.73 87.895 0
OneWebUK 1 4Shell 1-4 1209.75 87.895 0
OneWebUK 1 5Shell 1-5 1205.80 87.895 0
OneWebUK 1 6Shell 1-6 1201.73 87.905 0
OneWebUK 1 7Shell 1-7 1197.67 87.915 0
OneWebUK 1 8Shell 1-8 1193.70 87.914 0
OneWebUK 1 9Shell 1-9 1189.70 87.910 0
OneWebUK 1 10Shell 1-10 1185.60 87.914 0
OneWebUK2 0 Shell 2 1200 40.0 32 72 0 0 0 00 2304
OneWebUK3 0 Shell 3 1200 55.0 32 72 0 0 0 00 2304
OneWebUK TOTAL 0 0 0 06372

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
KP: Kuiper Constellation (Nov 2021 filing, Mar 2024 mod)(3232 satellites planned, 2 up, 0 operational) 2023-
KuiperUS1 0 Ka/V A 590 33.0 1 782 0 0 0 00 782
KuiperUS2 0 Ka/V A 590 30.0 1 2 0 0 0 00 2
KuiperUS3 0 Ka/V B 610 42.0 1292 1 0 0 0 00 1292
KuiperUS3 0 Ka/V C 630 51.9 289 4 0 0 0 02 1156
KuiperUS TOTAL 0 2 0 23232

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
STSH: NRO Starshield constellation(32 satellites planned, 73 up, 70 operational) 2022-
StarshieldUS1 0 Shell 1 578 70.0 16 2 70 0 0 073 32
StarshieldUS TOTAL 70 0 3 7332

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
XW: Chinese Xingwang Constellation (as launched)(966 satellites planned, 15 up, 9 operational) 2021-
XingwangCN1 0 Shell 1 1110 86.5 16 30 0 0 0 03 480
XingwangCN2 0 Shell 2 1150 86.0 16 30 2 0 0 05 480
XingwangCN3 0 Shell 3 1100 50.0 2 1 3 0 0 03 2
XingwangCN4 0 Shell 4 860 86.4 2 1 1 0 0 01 2
XingwangCN5 0 Shell 5 880 86.0 2 1 3 0 0 03 2
XingwangCN TOTAL 9 6 0 15966

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
QF: Chinese Qianfan Constellation (as launched)(32 satellites planned, 36 up, 0 operational) 2024-
QianfanCN1 0 Shell 1 806 89.0 16 2 0 0 0 036 32
QianfanCN TOTAL 0 36 0 3632

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
GW: Chinese Guangwang Constellation (2021 revision) GW-A59 and GW2(12992 satellites planned, 0 up, 0 operational) --
GuangwangCN1 0 Shell 1 590 85.0 16 30 0 0 0 00 480
GuangwangCN2 0 Shell 2 600 50.0 40 50 0 0 0 00 2000
GuangwangCN3 0 Shell 3 508 60.0 60 60 0 0 0 00 3600
GuangwangCN4 0 Shell 4 1145 30.0 48 36 0 0 0 00 1728
GuangwangCN5 0 Shell 5 1145 40.0 48 36 0 0 0 00 1728
GuangwangCN6 0 Shell 6 1145 50.0 48 36 0 0 0 00 1728
GuangwangCN7 0 Shell 7 1145 60.0 48 36 0 0 0 00 1728
GuangwangCN TOTAL 0 0 0 012992

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
YNH: Galaxy Space (Yinhe) Constellation(1000 satellites planned, 8 up, 7 operational) 2020-
YinheCN1 0 Shell 1 511 63.5 1 1000 7 0 0 08 1000
YinheCN TOTAL 7 1 0 81000

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
HWH: Hanwha Systems(2000 satellites planned, 0 up, 0 operational) --
HanwhaKR1 0 Shell 1 500 97.5 1 2000 0 0 0 00 2000
HanwhaKR TOTAL 0 0 0 02000

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
LYNK: Lynk Global cellphone service constellation(2000 satellites planned, 10 up, 6 operational) 2020-
LynkUS1 0 Shell 1 500 97.5 1 2000 6 0 0 010 2000
LynkUS TOTAL 6 0 4 102000

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
Astra: Astra (2021 V-band proposal)(13620 satellites planned, 0 up, 0 operational) --
AstraUS1 0 1.0 Eq 700 0.0 1 40 0 0 0 00 40
AstraUS2 0 2.0 SSO 690 98.0 14 36 0 0 0 00 504
AstraUS3 0 2.0 Med-I 700 55.0 56 32 0 0 0 00 1792
AstraUS4 0 3.0 SSO 380 97.0 112 20 0 0 0 00 2240
AstraUS5 0 3.0 Low-I 390 30.0 51 96 0 0 0 00 4896
AstraUS6 0 3.0 Med-I 400 55.0 61 68 0 0 0 00 4148
AstraUS TOTAL 0 0 0 013620

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
TEL: Telesat Lightspeed (Canada) (2023 Ka-band proposal with MDA sats)(300 satellites planned, 0 up, 0 operational) --
TelesatCA1 0 Shell1 1335 72.9 13 12 0 0 0 00 156
TelesatCA2 0 Shell2 1325 48.9 6 18 0 0 0 00 108
TelesatCA3 0 Shell3 1315 31.0 4 9 0 0 0 00 36
TelesatCA TOTAL 0 0 0 0300

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
HVNET: Hughes Network Systems HVNET (2021 V-band proposal)(1440 satellites planned, 0 up, 0 operational) --
HVNETUS1 0 Shell 1 1150 55.0 36 40 0 0 0 00 1440
HVNETUS TOTAL 0 0 0 01440

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
SPINL: Spin Launch/SN Space Systems (UK) (1190 satellites planned, 0 up, 0 operational) --
SpinLaunchUS1 0 Shell 1 830 55.0 1190 1 0 0 0 00 1190
SpinLaunchUS TOTAL 0 0 0 01190

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
GLOB: Globalstar (Germany) (3080 satellites planned, 0 up, 0 operational) --
Globalstar3D1 0 Shell 1 485 55.0 36 35 0 0 0 00 1260
Globalstar3D2 0 Shell 2 515 70.0 10 10 0 0 0 00 100
Globalstar3D3 0 Shell 3 600 55.0 30 30 0 0 0 00 900
Globalstar3D4 0 Shell 4 620 98.0 10 10 0 0 0 00 100
Globalstar3D5 0 Shell 5 700 55.0 24 30 0 0 0 00 720
Globalstar3D TOTAL 0 0 0 03080

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
HH3: Hongqing Tech Honghu-3(10000 satellites planned, 0 up, 0 operational) --
Honghu-3CN1 0 Shell 1 340 48.0 20 100 0 0 0 00 2000
Honghu-3CN2 0 Shell 2 350 45.0 20 100 0 0 0 00 2000
Honghu-3CN3 0 Shell 3 470 50.0 36 50 0 0 0 00 1800
Honghu-3CN4 0 Shell 4 475 55.0 36 50 0 0 0 00 1800
Honghu-3CN5 0 Shell 5 540 60.0 24 50 0 0 0 00 1200
Honghu-3CN6 0 Shell 6 550 60.0 24 50 0 0 0 00 1200
Honghu-3CN TOTAL 0 0 0 010000

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
SEM: E-SPACE Semaphore-C (116640 satellites planned, 0 up, 0 operational) --
SemaphoreFR1 0 Shell 1 415 0.0 1 240 0 0 0 00 240
SemaphoreFR2 0 Shell 2 500 0.0 1 240 0 0 0 00 240
SemaphoreFR3 0 Shell 3 600 0.0 1 240 0 0 0 00 240
SemaphoreFR4 0 Shell 4 415 10.0 16 240 0 0 0 00 3840
SemaphoreFR5 0 Shell 5 500 10.0 16 240 0 0 0 00 3840
SemaphoreFR6 0 Shell 6 600 10.0 16 240 0 0 0 00 3840
SemaphoreFR7 0 Shell 7 415 33.0 72 120 0 0 0 00 8640
SemaphoreFR8 0 Shell 8 500 33.0 72 120 0 0 0 00 8640
SemaphoreFR9 0 Shell 9 600 33.0 72 120 0 0 0 00 8640
SemaphoreFR10 0 Shell 10 415 54.0 72 120 0 0 0 00 8640
SemaphoreFR11 0 Shell 11 500 54.0 72 120 0 0 0 00 8640
SemaphoreFR12 0 Shell 12 600 54.0 72 120 0 0 0 00 8640
SemaphoreFR13 0 Shell 13 415 72.0 72 120 0 0 0 00 8640
SemaphoreFR14 0 Shell 14 500 72.0 72 120 0 0 0 00 8640
SemaphoreFR15 0 Shell 15 600 72.0 72 120 0 0 0 00 8640
SemaphoreFR16 0 Shell 16 415 88.0 36 240 0 0 0 00 8640
SemaphoreFR17 0 Shell 17 500 88.0 36 240 0 0 0 00 8640
SemaphoreFR18 0 Shell 18 600 88.0 36 240 0 0 0 00 8640
SemaphoreFR19 0 Shell 19 415 97.8 1 240 0 0 0 00 240
SemaphoreFR20 0 Shell 20 500 97.8 1 240 0 0 0 00 240
SemaphoreFR21 0 Shell 21 600 97.8 1 240 0 0 0 00 240
SemaphoreFR TOTAL 0 0 0 0116640

Constellation State Layer SubShell LayerName Altitude Inclination No of planes Sats per plane Sats on stn Sats on stn Sats off stnSats downTotal Sats launchedTotal Sats PlannedFirst LaunchLast Launch
km deg (planned) (planned) in SubShell in Layer for Layer from Layer for Layerin Layer
ESP: E-SPACE Cinnamon-937 (Rwanda/G. Wyler) (337323 satellites planned, 3 up, 0 operational) 2022-
E-SpaceUS1 0 Shell 1 550 0.0 1 360 0 0 0 00 360
E-SpaceUS2 0 Shell 2 552 24.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS3 0 Shell 3 556 27.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS4 0 Shell 4 559 30.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS5 0 Shell 5 563 33.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS6 0 Shell 6 556 36.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS7 0 Shell 7 570 39.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS8 0 Shell 8 574 42.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS9 0 Shell 9 577 45.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS10 0 Shell 10 581 48.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS11 0 Shell 11 584 51.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS12 0 Shell 12 588 54.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS13 0 Shell 13 592 57.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS14 0 Shell 14 595 60.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS15 0 Shell 15 599 63.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS16 0 Shell 16 602 66.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS17 0 Shell 17 606 69.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS18 0 Shell 18 610 72.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS19 0 Shell 19 613 75.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS20 0 Shell 20 617 78.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS21 0 Shell 21 617 81.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS22 0 Shell 22 620 84.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS23 0 Shell 23 624 87.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS24 0 Shell 24 628 90.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS25 0 Shell 25 631 93.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS26 0 Shell 26 635 96.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS27 0 Shell 27 638 98.0 36 360 0 0 0 00 12960
E-SpaceUS28 0 Shell 28 528 97.5 3 1 0 0 0 03 3
E-SpaceUS TOTAL 0 0 3 3337323

21 : Total planned constellations
555127 : Total planned satellites
9 : Total constellations with at least one launched sat
7264 : Total launched sats in all constellations
6889 : Total launched sats in constellation operational shells
Data last updated: 2024 Oct 20 05:51:32

Data on this page are licensed CC-BY. You are free to reuse them but please credit 'Jonathan McDowell,' or similar.