Each launch in the launch database is associated with a particular launch vehicle variant.
In this section we describe these vehicles, giving approximate dimensions, masses
and performance parameters. The reader should note that these approximate values are intended
to give a general idea of the differences between variants - but the data is not necessarily
the most accurate available and parameters given in other sources may be more reliable.
Schema for launch vehicle database, centered on the LaunchVehicle class.
Each LaunchVehicle and Stage belongs to an LV Family. Each Launch Vehicle
has a numbered set of stages. Each stage has a main engine type and has
some (unordered) number of that type of engine. Auxiliary engines are
not considered. Manufacturers of LVs, Stages and Engines are identified
using an Org code linking them to the Orgs database.
Each launch vehicle variant is defined as consisting of a series of stages, and each stage
is associated with a main engine type. Furthermore, each variant is a member of a larger
grouping called a launch vehicle family.
This structure is related in the five
files that make up the launch vehicle description database: